Friday, December 11, 2009

Hokey Pokey Christianity - part 5

While watching a few children who attended Church one day, I watched them sing the song "Hokey Pokey". I got to thinking of what those kids would be like Twenty Years from that day. Would they be "putting their right arm in" about the things of God only to "take their right arm out"? Would they be consistent as putting their leg in and out when it came to the Ministry and service of God?

Are we teaching our kids that "God" is a Sunday AM thing? A Three times a week thing? Are we teaching and training our converts that it is just a song and a dance during Church Services?

Faithfulness is an attribute of God. God is true and Faithful. By Him, ALL THINGS consist. Ever wonder what the universe would be like if He did the hokey pokey the way we do? The universe would be a total disaster.

David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians, died at age 29 of tuberculosis. His diary and writings were filled with his often chastening and pleading with God over his commitment to Christ. He repeatedly questioned his Position with God. Why? He was afraid of "playing the part". He did not want to "put his whole self in" and then put his 'whole self out'. It was all or nothing. He died having lived his 29 years doing MORE in his writings than I have in my 29 years on earth. It is ALL or nothing. It isn't about the Quantity of your ministry or influence on others. It is not about fame or reputation. It is about Reverence and Consecration to the Lord.

Far too often in my own life, I find myself playing the hokey pokey. I see in Paul's writings that he also struggled with Hokey Pokey Christianity. Yet, he made it a point to "die daily". Let's forget about the "Purpose Driven Life" and lets get busy about the "Crucified Christian Life".

The Laodocean Church perfected Hokey Pokey Christianity. They were neither "in" nor "out". They were neither sitting nor were they standing. They crouched. I remember the song "King David had an Army, He had Ten Thousand Men, he marched them up the hill, and he marched them down again, and when you're up...YOU'Re UP (standing) and when you are down, YOU'RE DOWN (sitting) but when you are only HALF WAY UP - You are neither UP nor down". You are caught in the middle. Luke Warm, Half Committed Christians. We are akin to the cake not turned. We are gooey on one side, and crisp on the other.

Hokey Pokey Christianity. We have a whole lot of people in, out, and in the middle. Those in the middle are the ones making the most noise, jirating about, spending all the energy and everything they have, but will soon give out. Because they are NOT committed to Christ.

Hokey Pokey Christianity - part 4

The Third Scenario is this. The Person Listens to the preaching week in and week out. Yet, he does not apply what is being presented. He does not care. His heart is far from God. He is not ignorant. He is apathetic. He refuses to discipline himself in the way of the Lord. Rather than obedience to the scripture, this person distances himself from the Word of God. He takes what is openly and clearly shown to be the Truth of God, and they ignore it. Willfully, they shrug off the Biblical commands of separation and adherence to the Word. They choose lasciviousness. They claim everything the Pastor preaches is Legalism. Never studying the Word for themselves, they recluse themselves from the benefits of being a Christian. They lose opportunities for true worship. They heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. They spit and sputter that the Preacher is "too old fashioned." They drum up the excuse that they can't bring themselves to worship with the "old hymns". They must have a contemporary flare. They must have enjoyable music. They don't understand the King James, so they claim it is out dated. They give themselves over to "spiritualism". "Let conscience be your guide." They KNOW the attributes of God, yet they reject them as truth. They count his Holiness and Justice as fables. They tax God's patience under the guise of his Longsuffering. They push God's Love, Mercy, and Grace as an escape to continue in sin. They are in out right rebellion. They alter their view of God in attempt to lesson the Conviction of the Holy Spirit in their hearts as he knocks at their "heart's door". They doubt the existence of God's Sovereignty. They reject his counsel. They diminish the innerancy of the Word of God. The people of God are their victims. Spreading their ideals upon unsuspecting believers around them who are not able to discern. They drag others to their darkness. The Bible speaks poorly of these people. They are the Scorners that Solomon warns his son about. How LONG will ye Scorners love your scorning? The cry of the scorners is drowning out the cries of Wisdom. It resounds above the cries of The fool. The Scorner must be cast out! He MUST be driven away! He MUST NOT prey upon the young and vulnerable. They await like vultures to swoop in on the damaged ones. To pick them apart bit by bit and extinguish all abilities to defend themselves. The Scorner is that member who USED to be involved in the ministries of the church but then allowed Satan to interfere in their personal life. They are the disgruntled church member who attacks EVERYBODY and ANYBODY regardless of the situation. They are the ones who fly off the handle at ANY change to the traditions of men. They are trapped in their own conceit and are steps away from total apostasy. They are the castaways which Paul wrote about to Young Timothy. They are not to be coddled. They have gone the way of Korah. They are vipers. They are to be put out of the congregation. They do not seek unity, they seek discord. They do not seek reconciliation. they seek to distract and detain others to their misery. Those who they cannot distract and detain, they attempt to derail. The Bible tells us they are ravenous wolves. They are not just the person in the pew. They are not just the person who "used to come" they are even in the pulpit!

The Book of Ezekiel speaks of the elders who practiced paganism, witchcraft,idolatry in secret and yet manifesting themselves as ministers in the temple. The Bible says they were so deceived that they even claimed that God could not and did not see their actions. Their ABOMINATION was hidden by God. They are in the pulpits on Sunday while they are perverts on Monday. They pervert others with their neo-evangelical doctrines. They portray a God who desires us to please ourselves and not bring honor to HIM. They present a "List" to keep and not a Lord to serve. It is all about what MAN can do and not what GOD has done.

These people claim Christ, and then deny the very foundation of their being. They sound good on paper, but when the curtain opens, they are the total opposite of the God they claim to know. Apostates. Castaways. Scorners. Their end is derision.They will be cut off and that without remedy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hokey Pokey Christianity - part 3

2. The person falls out of church. They no longer attend. They are bitter at everyone and anyone because they were searching for something and nobody was able to see past Soul winning. They are saved. They are disobedient to the Lord and to the Scripture. Yes, it is their fault. Yes, they have the Holy Spirit residing in them. Yes, they have ignored the conviction of both the Holy Spirit and their own moral conscience. However, to limit the fault to this individual is unjust. Where was the discipleship? Where was "Barnabas"? Who takes them "under their wing"? Everyone is so preoccupied doing the "Great Commission" that they actually forget to "Teach Them To Observe All Things". Yes, I know, "I disciple from the pulpit". Which is exactly why they are now distant and are nothing but a mere shadow from the assembly of the believers and have no walk with God.

I have been told numerous times growing up that SOUL-WINNING is the Main Thing. I cannot tell you the number of times Revelation 2:4 has been taken out of context remind people that the first love was soul-winning. I will take the liberty to not only provide the verse - Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love."

If the Great Commission is all about Soul winning, Baptizing people, and teaching them to go Soul-winning, then there should be no reason in furthering our education and study in the things of God. There is no reason for Paul to "ramble on endlessly" about "growing in grace, study to shew thyself approved, and building yourselves up in the Most Holy Faith." There is no need for Biblical separation, Standards, Convictions, or even Diligence to the hidden things of Christ.If all that matters is SOUL WINNING, then there is no need to be part of a local assembly of believers...there is NO need for CHURCH.

The person in our scenario was neglected because the church is more focused on "Winning the Lost" and not "redeeming the fallen". It isn't exactly an Independent Fundamental Baptist "distinctive" ya know. We tend to focus on the outward appearance and on the "display window" and not the "actual inventory". No wonder our churches are dubbed as shallow, unintelligent, and unloving. That person leaves the church because they are no longer enamored by the emotional drive they once had. They are no longer interested in "church" and they move on to the next thing. They are still saved. They still want to "experience God", but they are giving up on the whole concept of "IFB".

Because they are looking for something meaningful, they head down the street and end up at a Pentecostal Church. They end up at a "seeker sensitive church". Maybe even worse, they are going to a Kingdom Hall, etc. What drives them to that place in their walk with God? "They must not have been saved." They went out from us and were never a part of us".

I strongly disagree. They left our churches because they found it lacking something. Maybe they really are saved, but was never "brought to the Barn". The fields are white unto harvest, and it is not just talking about the lost, but about the souls of men as a whole. Until we re-evaluate our shallow, "cookie cut" Christianity that resides within our "denomination", we will never see real fruit; we will never see true Christianity.

A friend and I were talking about this very subject and he reminded me that the person on the other side of "that door" doesn't care if you use the KJV. They are not impressed by our title of "Independent Fundamental Bible Believing, Pre-millennial, Hell fire, sin hating, Bible thumping BAPTISTS!!" They want to know, do you have the Love of God through Christ Jesus being demonstrated...LIVED in your life? That person on the other side of the door doesn't care about "we don't have dress standards" or "we have contemporary music". They want to know, when the "chips fall", do you practice what you preach? Do you have the fruit of the Spirit? Do you have love? Do you express love? Do you know what love is?

That person who is waffling in and out of church does so because they are lacking something and "CHURCH" is supposed to be the closest thing on THIS earth to what they are looking for. The Love of Christ which constraineth us - that is, it SHOULD.

If we truly love God, we will not mishandle His Word or misrepresent His Great Commission. Recently, I was introduced to a situation where a mother was using her body as a "baby factory". All she wanted to continue to do was to have babies and then turn them over to the "system". She didn't want to wean the infant. She didn't want to see the baby walk. She willingly gave birth and then walked away. Sickening isn't it? So it is with those of us who "lead someone to the Lord" and then leave them to fend for themselves. Never teaching them commitment to Christ (Baptism). Never "teaching them to observe all things".

The person in the example leaves church because either nothing has changed on his part, or nobody challenged them or helped them along. (to be continued)

Hokey Pokey Christianity - Part 2

1. A powerful message is preached. The preacher delivers another riveting message on Hell, Heaven, or "if you are not doing this,this, or this....check your salvation." So, the person checks their salvation. They realizes they are not where they should be. So, they go forward. The altar worker asks why they are there. They tell them, they are checking up on their salvation. So, they take them aside, and lead them down the Romans' Road....again. They try to back out of where it is heading. The altar worker realizes they are balking, and reminds them that tomorrow is not a guarantee. The person again balks. "I already did that." The worker then counters that with the verses for assurance. The individual is now embarrassed because the preacher is saying "Christians, remain in an attitude of prayer for this ONE being dealt with." GREAT! Now they are gonna be looking at them. Yeah, yeah, I know, the preacher says "please keep your heads bowed and eyes closed, blah blah blah" but EVERYONE knows that people are still looking to see who is being "dealt with."
The pressure is to "get reassurance" and "nail it down for good." It is not conviction. It is pressure. It is man-made. The 40th stanza of "Just as I am" is being played. The altar worker is insisting that he/she prays the sinners prayer to ensure that they have their assurance of their salvation. Fine. They utter the words. Praise the LORD! Brother/Sister "so and so" just got assurance of their salvation! The church celebrates. The person stands there totally embarrassed and feels ridiculous. Not because they "made a decision" but because they know in their heart that NOTHING changed. They leave doing the SAME things they did before. Nothing was settled.

Hokey Pokey Christianity - Part 1

Growing up in an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, I not only witnessed the endless cycle of "salvation, reassurance, and dedication/rededicating their life to the Lord, but I also took part in it. Here is what the Holy Spirit has taught me from personal study and self examination.

At face value, it was plain and simple, they got saved. They weren't too sure they were saved. They wanted to live their life for God. They wanted to rededicate themselves to God. They were not sure they were saved. They rededicate themselves to the Lord. Over and over it went. It was very very very very redundant it was (did that on purpose - laugh, get it out of your system). Sensitivity to the Working of The Holy Spirit in one's life is always a plus. There are dangers to this. A visiting evangelist preaches hard on Hell. He preaches on the horrors, screaming, agony, and eternity of the flame. GREAT! However, because we approached it from a humanistic stand point, we painted a picture so terrible about hell that nobody wants to go there, even if you AREN'T going there. People who have confessed Christ are scared into going to Hell and they don't want too. So, what is the natural response? They go forward, and the "altar worker" who lacks discernment, "leads them to the Lord." WELL, GLORY! They GOT SAVED! They get presented to the church, and ushered around back to get baptized. The whole while the person is struggling inside, "wasn't I already saved? I was baptized! I have had spiritual growth, I have had answered prayers. I have a concern for the lost.I love the brethren, I have had fellowship with the Father." They are led up to the Baptismal, and as they war within themselves, they balk. The "helper" speaks reassuring words and they are "guided" to the pool. They are now hold the attention of the entire church on them. Did they REALLY just get saved? Reassurance? who knows. All they know is that the preacher has the napkin to their nose and down they go!

A few days later, they are reconstructing the events leading up to that service. They were distant in their Bible reading and prayer time. They rushed through their day, week, month, or year without ever acknowledging God. The preacher crafts a sermon so masterfully, that even Paul himself would doubt his Salvation. Ok, not literally. The evangelist came in looking for "lost souls" and whether or not he found them, he wanted to "scare "hell" into them instead of out of them. Is that wrong? Well, on paper it is good. However in execution it was not. If I want to save time and NOT shower before going to church, than I must also realize and accept the fact that I will offend someone in the process. It is a fact of life. People stink. Some people, they are against bathing altogether. Back to the main trail. An evangelist's goal was to preach a GOSPEL message in CHURCH. The likelihood of a REAL lost person in the church is slim to none. However, there is a whole host of people in that church who need to be fed from God's Word. They need that instruction in Righteousness. They need a word of encouragement. They need a rebuke. A reproof. They need correction. They need help. Instead of helping them they seek after "instant fruit".

Is that so bad? Well, yeah. It is. Because He desires Instant fruit he only focuses on instant fruit. I already know what you are thinking, so let me save you the time of looking it up:

Matthew 13:3-9
"And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear"

The Immediate response may not always bring about "instant fruit."

Again, I bring up the thought which I discussed previously in "Pastors who Pawn Their People" (Shameful Shepherd part 3). A discerning Pastor, Parent, teacher, or even a church member with insight should be talking to that person who makes repeated trips doing the same exact thing. Someone said "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." If that is true, than we have a "denomination" filled with insanity!

Two or 3 months have passed since that person went forward to 'get assurance'. Their life hasn't changed one iota. The preacher is preaching about a changed life. Instead of being discipled they have been told to stay faithful to the House of God. So, they have been faithful. They were told to read their Bible every day. They try for a few days, but they can't make out what is being said. PRAY! Yep. They now pray before meals and at bed time and the occasional prayer when they are stressed out.

Then, the emotions run out, and they begin to fall back into the same mundane things they had fallen prey to. They aren't reading their Bible. They are out of church or just go out of duty. They no longer pray. They still have a twinge of conscience when they do something wrong. They look over their shoulder before they sin outwardly. They still have the capability to blush.

Jeremiah 8:12 "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the LORD."

They fall into a false sense of security. Nobody knows who and what they are. They can get away with their sin. Inwardly, they are at war with themselves. The Holy Spirit is convicting them; warning them against it. Their flesh is urging them on. The sin becomes a habit. They are still in church because they have to maintain a certain "air" of spirituality about them. Maybe they hold a position in the church. maybe they are related to someone who has a position in the church, a father, a brother, a cousin. It continues for some time.

One of three things happen. I will explain what I believe happens in the next few blogs (and will probably revise them as I go along)

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Keep Your Colors" - Old post

“ Keep your Colors”

1Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

Psalms 1:1-3 “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

I have to admit, autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. Football season starts, the MLB playoffs, and of course homemade apple pie (HINT HINT). It is one of the most beautiful times of the year here in the Adirondacks. The fall foliage is already showing!
I plan on taking my wife up to see all the beautiful colors and might even get a smooch out of it! People come from all over just to see the leaves turn colors.

However, we quickly resent these beautiful leaves when we have to rake them up, bag them, burn them, over and over and over again! OH, I hated raking leaves!

Why do leaves change colors? Why do leaves fall from trees?

They change colors because in a sense they stop eating/photosynthesis*. The trees stop the flow of food. We all enjoy the beautiful show of colors as leaves change each autumn. Did you ever wonder how and why this happens. To answer that question, we first have to understand what leaves are and what they do.
Leaves are nature's food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose. Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for energy and as a building block for growing. The way plants turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar is called photosynthesis. That means "putting together with light." A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color. As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how the trees "know" to begin getting ready for winter. During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and live off the food they stored during the summer. They begin to shut down their food-making factories. The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. As the bright green fades away, we begin to see yellow and orange colors. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along. We just can't see them in the summer, because the green chlorophyll covers them up.

The bright reds and purples we see in leaves are made mostly in the fall. In some trees, like maples, glucose is trapped in the leaves after photosynthesis stops. Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn turn this glucose into a red color. The brown color of trees like oaks is made from wastes left in the leaves. It is the combination of all these things that make the beautiful colors we enjoy in the fall.

Christians are like leaves. We change our colors also. We have sin laying dormant (well, it should be) in our lives. When water and light are not around us we stop growing also. The Word Of God works as the water, and the light are fellow believers. The bible says that we are the light of the world. ( Matthew 5:16)
If we fail to grow, it is because we have one of three problems:

1. sap is being stopped- the HOLY Spirit is being hindered. John 15:1- 8

2. We are not allowing ourselves around believers - Hebrews 10:24-26

3. We are not in the Word. We are not seeking what God wants

Sure, the foliage of the dying leaves is beautiful. But as Christians, we do not need to be dying. We need not be any other tree but an evergreen tree. An evergreen tree is dependable. They are the most populated trees around. Why? Because they spread the seeds.

We need to be dependable all year long. We need to keep our colors.
How do evergreens stay green year-round? In fact, they do lose their leaves. But they are able to grow new leaves before shedding the old ones! Some evergreens keep the same leaves through the winter and into the summer. Some trees are able to keep the same leaves for several years before they drop off!

Unlike the leaves that die off without sharing life, the evergreen makes sure that there is life growing behind it.

We need to do these things to ensure the livelihood of not only our families and freedom but of this church.

Here are some ways to continue the growth of our church:

1. Spread the seeds – Matthew 28:18-20
2. Share the success - Deuteronomy 6:7- 9

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Joshua 4:5-7 “And Joshua said unto them, Pass over before the ark of the LORD your God into the midst of Jordan, and take ye up every man of you a stone upon his shoulder, according unto the number of the tribes of the children of Israel: That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones? Then ye shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever.”

Teach the next generation. Not just kids but those new in the faith. They are babies. Help them grow. (matt 28:18-20)

3. Stabilize your steps. They are coming behind you. They need to see your steps faithful and upright.

You may have started off wrong. You may have messed up in your life. Finish strong. Hold your head high and walk!

Walk A Little Plainer, Daddy
Said A Little Boy One Day
I'm Following In Your Footsteps,
And I Want To Know The Way
Sometimes Your Steps Are Very Plain
And Sometimes Hard To See.
So Walk A Little Plainer, Daddy,
For You Are Leading Me.
I Know That Once You Walked
This Way, Many Years Ago,
And What You Did Along The Way
I'd Really Like To Know.
For Sometimes I Am Tempted
And Don't Know What To Do
So Walk A Little Plainer, Daddy,
For I Must Follow You
Sometime When I Am All Grown Up
You Are Like I Want To Be
Then I Will Know A Little Boy,
Who Will Want To Follow Me.
And I Would Want To Lead Him Right,
And Help Him To Be True.
So Walk A Little Plainer, Daddy
For We Must Follow You
Written by Forrest Flowers

One of my favorite songs is the song “ find us faithful”.

This is my prayer, that those who come behind me find my steps faithful.
I pray that like Paul ended his life, they may be able to say, 2Timothy 4:6-8 “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Great Reasons To Obey The Great Commission

Great Reasons to Obey The Great Commission
Matthew 28:18-20

I . The Great Conservation
A. Lu 12:48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

B. Ro 1:14 – 16 “I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.
So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

C. Luke 7:47 “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”

D. Ephesians 2:4-10 “ But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
E. Because Christ gave himself for us, we should give ourselves for to him. The Great Commission is just a small way of doing so.

II. The Great Commandment

A. Mark 12:31-32
B. II Cor 5:14-21
C. I John 4:20
D. If we love God like we should, We will tell others like we would

III. The Great Conviction

A. Two young Moravians heard of an island in the west indies where an athiest British owners had 2000-3000 slaves, and the owner had said, “No preacher, no clergyman will ever step foot on this Island. If he’s shipwrecked we’ll keep him in a separate house until he has to leave, but he’s never going to talk to any of us about God. I’m through with all that non-sense.”
3000 slaves from the jungles of Africa brought to an island in the Atlantic and there to live and die without hearing of Christ. Two young Moravians heard about it. They sold themselves to the British planter and used the money to buy passage to the island, for he paid no more than he would pay for any slave and wouldn’t transport them. And as the ship left the pier at the river Hamburg, the Moravians had come to see the two young lads off. Never to return again for this wasn’t a 4 year term. They’d sold themselves into lifelong slavery, simply that as slaves, they could be as Christians were these others were. The families were there weeping for they knew they’d never see them again. And as the gap widened and the hawsers were being curled up on the pier, and the young boys saw the widening gap. One lad, his arm linked through the arm of his fellow raised his hand and shouted across the gap the last words that were ever heard from them… They were these:MAY THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN, RECEIVE THE REWARD OF HIS SUFFERING. This became the call of Moravian missions, and this is the only reason for being, that the lamb that was slain, may recieve the reward of His suffering. – Copied

B. Revelation 5
C. I Timothy 1:15
D. Luke 19:10

IV. The Grand Consolation
A. Partnered with the Holy Spirit – Acts 11:12
B. Powered by The Spirit – Acts 1:8
C. Persuaded with the Scriptures – Isaiah 55:11

V. The Great Consent
A. Matt 28:18-20
B. Acts 1:8

VI. The Great Confusion
A. The G.C. is not limited to “Soul winning”
B. The G.C. is not limited to Baptism
C. The G.C. isn’t limited to Discipleship
D. The G.C. is a command. It isn’t optional
E. The G.C. is a meter of your Christian life and walk with God – I Cor 9:16-17, 2 Cor 4:3-4,
Col 1:28, Col 3:16, Titus 2:12, Col 2:6, Heb 6:1

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Shameful Shepherd (Part 5)

Pastors who pervert their people.

The Believers at Galatia had a serious problem going on. They were being misled. They were being taught that they had to add the law of Moses to salvation and sanctification. Paul asked the church of Galatia "WHO HATH BEWITCHED YOU?". WHO has given you bad doctrine? Who was it? Paul wasn't asking hypothetically. He wanted to know. The church was being led back into Judaism instead of the new and living way. Paul spent much of his writings addressing false doctrines. I and II Corinthians, he had to address the false teachings concerning the Resurrection and the Ordinances of the Lord's supper. Not to mention the misapplication of Biblical Separation and Holiness before God. They had believers going to court to settle lawsuits and grievances against each other. Paul was astonished at the ignorance of the people in Corinth. They were do divided that they didn't even know how to conduct a simple service. "IS CHRIST DIVIDED?" There was a man living in complete incest with his Father's wife. They were eating meats offered to idols. They were ignorantly following seditions and heresies. In I and II Thessalonians, people were being taught that the rapture had already happened. That Christ had already come and that they were already living in the tribulation. Paul sent Titus to set things in order. Young Timothy was sent to delegate leaders to teach and admonish the people of God with the truth of God. False Doctrine is not a new problem facing the church. For centuries people have been PERVERTING the people of God with man made doctrines, heresies, and doctrines of man and not of God.

Independent Fundamental Baptists are not exempt. We stand firm on the Inspiration and Preservation of the Bible, but to a point where we idolize it. We stand firm on the Blood atonement, and then fall into the mysticism which the Pentecostals present.
We are INDEPENDENT BAPTISTS but forget that we are part of the Body of Christ. We exalt numbers and offerings instead of making Christ the end to our means. Instead, Christ is made the means to our end. Pastors all over the globe have fallen into the conquest of Man's praise instead of the Glory of God. Pastors have turned and are perverting their people with doctrines and traditions which add wood, hay, and stubble to their eternal reward. We can measure the length of our skirts but we lack the meek and quiet spirit coupled with fear. We adorn ourselves in fine apparel but inwardly we are full of dead mans bones. We masquerade ourselves as being fashionable and upright in our conduct but inwardly ICHABOD is written across the entrance of our heart. We build bigger buildings and boast of new ministries and great attendances, offerings, and results; but God is not within a million miles of us because we have perverted his people. We have taught damnable heresies. We have turned the sheep against the shepherd. We, like Absalom have turned the people's heart from the king.

Isaiah 10:1-2 "Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!"

Ezekiel 13:1-3 "And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!"

II Peter 2

It is a sad thought that there are Pastors out there who ignorantly teach their people wrong applications to Biblical Truths. Those who promote a works based goal of sanctification induce a perverted view not only of true holiness but also of God himself. Their entire view of scripture is no longer about a Holy Creator whose purpose in his creation was for His pleasure, but is now that God's whole desire is to make us happy. It produces the mindset that God owes us whatever we desire. He is the whimsical "genie in the bottle." We "rub his lamp" through prayer and "POOF!" He appears and does whatever we ask. There is a sickening doctrine out there called "Prosperity Gospel." They teach that a believer should never be sick and should always be prosperous. If you get sick, either you aren't saved or you don't have enough faith to "cast it out" of your body. It teaches that all you need to do is rebuke it in Jesus' name and to claim the blood of Christ to heal you, because "by his stripes you are healed" (I Peter 2:24). They teach that if a Christian should never be needing because "my God shall supply all your needs." Therefore, if you ever have a need that is not met, you are unsaved, not right with God, or just lacking faith. I used to think this nonsense was just limited to the Pentecostal Movement. Sadly, it is not. Shamefully, The Independent Baptists have also began to proclaim it as truth. "Hey Folks, if you tithe, God will take care of your needs. He says it in his word, Be faithful in your tithes and offerings and God will take care of your needs." Here is the kicker, I believe in tithing. I still tithe. I don't say this to boast. However, just because I tithe my percent and use the rest of the money foolishly, that my obedience is going to cover for my foolishness. It just doesn't work that way. The whole concept falls into the category of prosperity Gospel. We obey to obey, not to ensure God's blessings. Again, God is not the Genie who exists to fulfill our every desire.

Another fallacy is that Soulwinning is the main thing. I have heard someone say that we "win" someone to the Lord, baptize them, and then teach them to go soulwinning and that is the Great Commission. WHAT?! Yeah, that definitely perverts the people. Nice job preacher. way to pervert people to believe that that is all of the great commission. Just teach them how to go soulwinning and all is ok. Phew. If ONLY it was that easy. Perverting the people into a false sense of accomplishing something that is not complete is just like Ephraim being a cake not turned. Nobody likes a runny pancake. Nobody likes a bunch of haughty people thinking they have accomplished something when they haven't. Sanctification is through Christ and Christ alone. He is our righteousness. He is our sanctification. Those climbing up some other way will suffer shame when our works are tried with fire.

Watch out for Pastors who pervert when it comes to the Bible. There are two extremes that I see common in our Independent Baptist Church circles. The premise that the KJV is NOT inspired and that only the originals have been Inspired. The problem is, if the ORIGINALS are the only thing inspired than what does common man have today? Does anyone HAVE a copy of the originals? Oh, right. They were destroyed. So, then we must be talking about the languages. The languages are dead as well. So then, what we can conclude is that the Bible that I hold in my hand every day and preach out of every week is no more inspired than is the Readers Digest. If i can argue away the truth, I can thereby operate on the opinion and thoughts of my wicked heart. I recently talked with an Independent Baptist who told me he does not go by what Scripture says but by what he feels that the Spirit is teaching him. I asked him by what means the Holy Spirit teaches and leads? He informed me that the Spirit went by what He (the person) truly desired. Brother, we have come along way from truth in our circles an it started when we began heeding the question originally asked by satan "Yea hath God said?" The Word of God is Inspired. It was not a secondary Inspiration. Jesus created the world and through him it consists. Through him it continues. He keeps all that is alive and sustains it. By reason, if God inspired his word, he will also preserve his word and sustains it in that state. We have the Word of God available to us today, and it is NOT only in the originals.

The other extreme is that God gave a special Inspiration to the KJV that is not existent on ANY OTHER Bible or manuscripts. "Double Inspiration." Someone attributed this to Dr. Peter Ruckman, but he reports that he only used it in jest. However, the doctrine still exists today. Ignorantly, people idolize the Bible. They believe that the KJV is JESUS. They take John 1:1 and take it to mean that the Word (Jesus) became flesh, and since he became flesh, he is now found back in His "original state" and is the KJV. Whaaaaaat?! The Bible is our SOURCE for faith and practice. Without the Bible we will have minimal spiritual growth. Romans 10:17 says "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Through the Word of God we find truths about God and about the Christian Life. However, the KJV is NOT any more inspired than were the originals. Someone told me that the KJV is the only inspired manuscript because it is complete where as the manuscripts that were preserved were not. "When Paul said "all scripture is given by Inspiration of God" he was prophesying about the KJV." Teachings like this makes me very upset. Pastors ACTUALLY teach these things and they pervert their people.

There are MANY other areas that shameful shepherds pervert the flock of God. Maybe later I will address them. Here are some tell-tale signs of a Pastor who perverts his people:

1. Extra-Biblical Revelation - II Peter 1:18-21

2. Deny the Lord Jesus Christ - I John 4:1, II Peter 2:1

3. Make Merchandise Of The Gospel - II Peter 2:3, Philippians 3:19

4. Arrogance/ Obstinate/Rebellion of the Fundamental Truth II Peter 2, II Tim 4

5. Departure from the Fear of The Lord- II Peter 2, Ezekiel 8

6. Perversion of Lasciviousness and Legalism - II Peter 2, Gal 5

7. Their Popularity indicates End Time Apostasy - II Tim 4, II Peter 2

8 Use of Fear Tactics to control those who listen to them - II Peter 2, Hebrews (the WHOLE Context of the book)

9. Departure From Morality And Things Holy - II Peter 2

10. Unwilling To Serve Without Compensation - Philippians 3:19, II Tim 4, II Peter 2

11. Refusal and Unable to be Corrected - II Peter 2, Romans 1, II Tim 3, I Tim 1:19-20, II Tim 4

12. Must Have the Praise of Man - II Peter 2, II Tim 4

Now, there are pastors that may do these things ignorantly. They may not intend to harm the flock of God. Pray for them. Seek out elders of the church to help approach him out of Love and respect. Never should a pastor be "bombarded" by accusations. They should go to the Pastor and entreat him as a father. They should realize it is NEVER a joyous occasion to rebuke another brother in Christ much less the under-shepherd. There should be self-examination of themselves to discern if it is out of duty that they stand up against the leader. It should NEVER be out of rebellion or selfish desire. It should always be done soberly.

The Shameful Shepherd (Part 4)

Pastors who Provoke

Matthew 9:36 "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."

Their shepherds left them alone to wander in the wilderness. They were no more use to them. They had pried, they had preyed, they had pawned them, they had provoked them to idleness and sinfulness. They have been forced into being provoked. By definition, we can already assume 'provoke' is not the world's greatest condition to be in.

Webster's dictionary cites Provoke as:
PROVO'KE, v.t. L.provoco, to call forth; pro and voco, to call.

1. To call into action; to arouse; to excite; as, to provoke anger or wrath by offensive words or by injury; to provoke war.

2. To make angry; to offend; to incense; to enrage.

Ye fathers,provoke not your children to wrath. Eph.6.

Often provoked by the insolence of some of the bishops--

3. To excite; to cause; as, to provoke perspiration; to provoke a smile.

4. To excite; to stimulate; to increase.

The taste of pleasure provokes the appetite, and every successive indulgence of vice which is to form a habit, is easier than the last.

5. To challenge.

He now provokes the sea-gods from the shore.

6. To move; to incite; to stir up; to induce by motives. Rom.10.

Let us consider one another to provoke to love and to good works. Heb.10.

7. To incite; to rouse; as, to provoke one to anger. Deut.32.

The Pastor incites anger and wrath among the people by prying in, preying on, and pawning them instead of being the example and shepherd they should be. This shameful shepherd often uses his pulpit as a chopping block. They have a place for public grievance. They get to stand up and abuse the authority that is given to them by way of their office and force the bondage of legalism on the congregation. If anyone stands against them, even when it is done according to scripture, and has biblical precedent, the pastor can twist scripture and manipulate those whom he has preyed upon to act on his behalf and they get to throw such a one out of the fellowship of the church. Yes, there are times where the accuser is dead wrong and has done everything amiss, and the pastor is well within his place to address a situation before the church. However, the point of that member being provoked was initiated and nurtured long before the public outbreak. Yes, there are those who seek only to Censure, control, and consume the Pastor. I am not referring to them. I am referring to the pastor who purposefully nudges the person who is at ought with him to anger. They knowingly "press the button" of the person who is against them, hoping to set them off. They knock the brick off their shoulder in order to justify using the pulpit and "authority" to "kick them out of the church." The pastor shouldn't EVER be in a shouting match with anyone. I have been in a church service where the pastor was so out of control, he literally ended up in the hospital. I have witnessed such behavior by both the "pastor" and the congregant. Two adults who were to be leaders of the church, and yet they behaved in such a fashion that they caused shame to the cause of Christ, and upon their reputation.

Pastors who provoke others through deliberate decisions to "flex" their "authority" on things that do not need to be made at that given time. Any idiot can go through a house and throw things around and change the decor. It doesn't take a contractor to gut a house and alter walls. Changes that need to be made should not be immediate unless they are obviously against scripture and what is the absolute necessity of the church. For instance, when I first became pastor at this current church, I saw it an absolute necessity to assume the responsibility of the Teenage Sunday School class. The Incumbent teacher was not doing anything wrong, but was a single adult teaching both guys and girls. I deemed it necessary to have my wife and I take the class and keep the teacher as an assistant. I did not do this to infuriate anyone. I did not do it to "flex my muscles." I did it because I thought it best to make the change to teach the teens how to behave in church. They had a habit of being loud, disruptive, and a hindrance during the services. This caused problems. I did everything I could to appease those who were provoked. Sadly, it only made matters worse. Some people are bent to anger and use any excuse in the book to "go off." Some people are seriously provoked by the Pastor who knowingly pushes the envelope to the point of explosion so that they can "one up" the person in the "conquest" of the congregation. Looking back at how I handled an 8 month situation, I now realize some other options I may have considered. I sought advice from many on how to handle it, and they didn't see it either. I know that I was faultless in my dealings with certain provoked members. With other provoked members I gave up too soon and "pawned" them off. I will stand before God and give an account of doing so at the Judgment Seat.

The Bible teaches that fathers are not to provoke their children unto wrath. This is not saying we shouldn't make kids mad. What it means, is that we should not make decisions to influence them to a life of Wrath;to destruction but rather to submit to the Holy Spirit's control in their life. In that same chapter, Masters are also directed to not use their authority as employers on their servants/employees. Do not willfully do things to irritate them and thereby causing them to offend or to sin. It is an understood application to Pastors not to provoke "their" people to wrath, however many pastors ignore this so that they can throw out "touch not God's anointed."

The Shameful Shepherd (Part 3)

"Pastors who Pawn"

"Pastors who PAWN"

The Great Commission is as clear as "In the Beginning GOD". This is one of my pet peeves. Seriously, it is. The Lord said to GO:

1. Teach all nations (Preach, witness, evangelize)

2. Baptize them

3. TEACH THEM we have great big conferences, clinics, college courses, MINISTRIES to go out and only pay attention to 33.3% of the Lord's command. We leave them to their own demise. Sure they nodded their heads to 3-5 spiritual laws. Sure they listened to our memorized speeches. They repeated a prayer. We slap them on their back and call em brother, and we never follow up on them again. We did our part HAYMEN!! We kept them out of hell, HAYYYYMEN?! We get to go back and tell the people at church someone got saved! We get to be SOMEBODY until the next time! WE ARE AHEAD IN THE CONTEST! We have to rush to the next door because we are in a MARATHON and we were taught NOT TO STAY AT ONE DOOR TOO LONG. Forget that someone may actually have immediate needs. BLESS GOD! You are not out there to MINISTER TO ANYONE. You are out there to meet a quota. That person we chalk up as a "soul saved" on our "gun belt" or listed in our "got saved" pages in the back of our New Testament, Only said it to get us off their porch and get us out of their hair. They didn't understand what we were presenting, and GOD FORBID that we actually listen to what they have to say and not stand there like some mindless robots. Our PERSONALITY is just as important as our words. You cannot separate who and what we are from the equation. God chose Saul and his personality to stand before kings. Does God save us and then have us all turn into "Stepford Wives?" The Spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophets. That is what the Bible says. Yeah...Like I am going to listen to some zombie tell me about how great it is to be saved. I don't pay attention to those kiosk stands in the mall because the salesmen have this glassed look in their eye. "Buy our product" as they shove it in my face. NO THANK YOU MEANS NO THANK YOU. Or, have you ever gone into one of those health food stores? The ORGANIC health food stores? Talk about black helicopters and "secret ingredients" that the government puts into our food, YIKES! I had a grade school teacher whose goal in the year was to have my parents give me an enema. I am NOT KIDDING. I am all for healthy living. I am all for health food. But, enough is enough! Zombie Teachers insisting on getting an enema and talking about how "cleansing it is". No doubt that is what the person on the OTHER side of the door must feel like.

So, lets just say the person we witness to does actually get saved. Then, because people take TIME to grow, we visit them three maybe 4 times afterward and because we see ZERO fruit or evidences of Conversion, we abandon them. Seriously, everyone knows that by the 4th visit the man should have a 3pc pinstriped suit, a short haircut, tapered in the back, well versed in the KJV, no worldly music, Binaca on the tongue and ready to go soulwinning. After all, There is never a time in our life that we have needed patience, understanding, and lots of TIME to grasp things in our spiritual walk. No sirree Bob. We are CHRISTIANS IN A CAN! Open us up and POOF! Instant perfection!!

I remember a quote in a book from "Cults class" at Landmark Baptist college. Bro. Jay Lewis was the professor, but he had the Executive V.P. Dr. Phil Stringer lecture the beginning three classes. He was reading J.K. Van Baalen's "The Chaos of the Cults" when he emphasized "Cults are the UNPAID BILL OF THE CHURCH." this means that because of our negligence in fulfilling the Great Commission, the converts AND OR contacts that we leave behind wind up joining a cult. Whether it be the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Latter Day Saints they turn to "religion" because we neglected them. Sure, some even fall prey to the Seventh Day Adventists, or Church of Christ, or Pentecostals. Some even do wind up going to a Biblically sound church. However, that does not offset the responsibility of the "soul winner" who neglected the newborn baby to fend for themselves. We get angered (or we used to) when we hear about a baby being dropped down a trash incinerator, or get left at the door of a hospital. We are screaming for vengeance when a Baby is murdered at the hands of "physicians" who willingly carry out the execution upon the whims of a confused mother. WHERE IS THE OUTCRY of the Church when we fail to reach out and MENTOR a young convert? Where is the compassion toward the newborn baby who has yet to be presented proudly before the FAMILY of GOD? Adherence to The Great Commission is greatly lacking.

Why is it the Pastor's fault? I believe it was C.H. Spurgeon who said "Every Church reflects the Personality of her Pastor." If the pastor of the church is self absorbed, lazy and uneducated; the people are unfed, unmotivated, and ignorant towards the need to reach out and MENTOR SOMEONE. The Pastor is more than just someone who stands up and preaches 2-3 times a week and teaches 1-2 times a week. The responsibilities of the Pastor is to OVERSEE the ministry of that said church. Far too often the people of the church are not grounded in the Faith but are taught "Faithfulness to the House of GOD". Again, I point you to my previous writing on "Refusing to be taught to teach". People have this idea that church attendance is not important. It is not required to be faithful to the House of God. Is it possible to grow in the Lord without church? Yes. Especially if your Bible Teachers and Preachers are ignorant and unlearned (novices) in the things of God. [However, anytime and every time one can, they should be faithful to the house of God when Services are being conducted (unless you are in a church which outright preaches heresy and refuses to receive correction).]

Instead of teaching the convert and actually investing into their life, we leave them to fend for themselves. I am not trying to boast here, but I know that I had witnessed to a family for almost 4 1/2 years before I saw any "results". I was able to sit down and show one of the members the plan of salvation. I took as much time as she needed. I answered her questions and showed her respect. I was not out to "get a notch in my belt". I was not in it to 'sell a vacuum.' I was in it for the Glory of God. She finally yielded to the Holy Spirit after years of sowing, watering, fertilizing, and finally she was ready for the harvest. Praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation. It has been almost two months since she surrendered to the drawing of the Holy Spirit. I have gone over steadily to conduct Bible study with her and to help her in her new life. She hasn't been to church as of yet. So, naturally, she isn't saved...right? PLEASE! Patience is required. Many would have already given up. Some would have never started. What I am basically saying is, that in the matter of The Great Commission, we are tarnished by pastors who PAWN off their people.

Another example of Pastors who Pawn off their people is when a "hard topic" comes up. I HAD a preacher friend who insisted that he come to "my" church and tell "my" people how to take care of their pastor and missionaries who come in. I told him that if it needed to be preached on, that I was responsible to handle it. I don't need a hired gun. He assured me that this is how other churches do it. assured him that I was not going to operate that way. If they need to hear it, God will have me address it. However, I have yet to even mention is to the people because if I have to talk about how they need to pay me more, I am no longer a servant but an employee. The whole thought that a pastor would hire someone to come in and do his dirty work is utterly inconceivable. I was sent here and brought here to fix anything that needed to be fixed. I don't call a "preacher" to fix problems that are in the flock that God has entrusted me with. A dear preacher friend of mine took the liberty to address the people about caring for me one service and I interrupted him in the middle of his sermon and told him to get out of the chicken coop. He was not intending to do anything other than to remind the people of the responsibility to take care of me. I apologized after the sermon to my friend and he understood my reasoning. The next night he apologized to the church for overstepping his bounds.

Our movement is full of pastors who Pawn off the responsibility of hitting hard topics to the visiting evangelist who blows in, blows up, and blows out. If I have to have someone come in and preach about submitting to the preacher (never should have to be addressed)then I am basically having someone come into "my house" and spank my kids. That is MY responsibility. That is MY burden. That is MY obligation.

Our movement is full of pastors who pawn off their "young preachers" who are called to the ministry off on colleges. We send them away to get trained how to do everything they should be learning from their own pastor. Yes, I am all for College education. However, what happens is, they go off to college to learn doctrine from a college when they should be taught doctrine by their own pastor. Instead, the pastor gladly pawns off his obligation, joy, rather to someone else. Paul taught Timothy. Timothy was commanded...instructed to teach faithful men so that THEY could teach others also. We have Pastors who pawn off "their" flock onto others because they won't diligently study and give their people the sincere meat of the Word so that they may grow thereby. They toss books out at them and force them to find their own meadows to graze in. The sheep begin to find pasture in weeds and in dangerous places among the rocks and cliffs. They begin to get beguiled by the wiles of the wolves and coyotes. They fall pray to seducing doctrine and traditions of men because of IDLE,LAZY shepherds. The Pastor looks out and sees the sheep following other shepherds and they scream for vengance not realizing that he IS getting vengance - AGAINST HIM!

Zechariah 11:17 "Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."

Matthew 9:36 "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."

The Shameful Shepherd (Part 2)

"Pastors who Prey"

Sadly, there is a long list of violations and violators when it comes to Pastors who prey. I could bring out accusations which are speculative which are circulating around our Independent Fundamental Baptist churches. There are people out there who glory in the sinfulness of those within our denomination. People rejoice when they find out that a KJV toting, soul conscious, authoritative preacher falls. It is sickening to think that they would celebrate and not rather mourn. Whether it is the son of a large prominent Church in the Midwest who repeatedly sinned against God with other women, or whether it is a Pastor of a southern church who lived such a double life for almost 40 years, or whether it is a Pastor who abused his adopted daughter for a decade. These are open. What about those who have been abused by a Pastor who preys up on them. I resent the fact that pastors prey on the flock of God instead of PRAYING over them.

They make merchandise of God's people. He plays on the people's emotions for financial gain. He decoys genuine care for mental control. He establishes ridiculous rules and regulation to hinder the people from true worship and service of God. One Pastor stated "I don't use my people to build my work; I use my work to build my people." In theory, that is an admirable goal. However, it is not HIS work, and they are not HIS people. The Bible says that "Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:" (Psalms 127:1a)In application, forcing people to live up to his expectation and not to their potential is the worst kind of abuse imaginable that a pastor can do. Preying on them sexually is just plain out wicked. However, the deeper abuse goes far beyond rape, molestation and adultery. It goes beyond physical abuse. There are pastors who prey on their loyalty to God and alter it to faithfulness to him and to his agenda. Paul told the Corinthian Church to follow him as he followed Christ- AS HE FOLLOWED CHRIST. If Paul ever stopped following Christ, the Corinthians were to drop him like a bad habit. Sadly, many preachers simply say "follow me in place of Christ". No, not in words but in deed. They replace Christ with themselves. They hold themselves up as deity and play on the emotions of the people to follow them. I remember growing up in a church where we learned a song about the preacher. We were going to sing his praises. GOD ALONE deserves our praise. No, I don't believe we should not appreciate or even be loyal to a pastor who FOLLOWS CHRIST as long as he deflects the admiration and steers it towards Christ.

Ezekiel 34:1-3 "And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock"

The Shameful Shepherd (Part 1)

The Shameful Shepherd
I have been thinking about this topic for some time now. I have prayed about it, thought about it and investigated my own heart and life to see if I am in error. I have put it off "till a more convenient season." Now the time has come to publish it. It is with a sober and serious heart that I attempt to portray my thoughts, warnings, and detest of the shameful shepherds who use their office and influence to ensnare the people of God whom they are appointed and called to defend, protect, and care for.

Some have the understanding that the Pastor is untouchable. He cannot be corrected. He cannot be "touched". Nowhere in scripture does the Lord say that the pastor is beyond the accountability of the people. I have often heard the phrase "touch not God's anointed" used in reference to the Pastor. I have heard the overtaxed phrase "Man of GOD" used out of context and stretched beyond application. The pastor is not in the place of God. He is not excluded from being held in check by the elders of the church. If the Pastor does something unethical, unscriptural, UnChristlike, or even illegal he should be corrected and dealt with scripturally. If he has done something of a criminal nature, he should be turned over to the police without any further questioning. There should not be any question to it. Turn him over to the law. Let the police investigate. Let the police prosecute. The church should assist and comply with the investigation. The church should immediately begin to look to minister to those who were violated or affected by the wrongdoings of the Pastor.

The unethical dealings of the pastor should also be dealt with. The Pastor should also be accountable for his actions regarding his ethical behavior in the church, home, and community. If he is unethical openly in the church, one can only imagine what his reputation is to those without.

Far too often we perceive that the Pastor is super human. I heard a preacher once say that a popular Pastor of a large Baptist Church in a northern Midwest state had died and became the fourth person in the Trinity. Sadly, many cannot differentiate this pathetic joke from their actual "reverence" of the person who is called "Pastor". He shouldn't be worshiped, neither should he be disrespected. The Pastor should carry some bit of "awe", revered even. He is a man whose life should represent the resilience of the power of God. No, he is not super human. He is not the hired hand. He is a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is an under- shepherd.

On the flip side, he IS a minister. That is what he is called to do. Somehow we have reversed rolls. The pastor places himself above being a servant and establishes himself as a lord. No longer does he seek to minister unto his congregation, now the congregation ministers to him.

I see several faults in our "Independent Fundamental Baptist" circles. I will limit myself to discussing five of these faults.

Pastors who PRY -

For whatever reason, some pastors think it is their responsibility to pry into other people's life. They Police the lives and homes of people who go to their church. I have met pastors who hand out questionnaires for their members to fill out regularly. By this they over step their boundaries of leadership from MINISTERING to Meddling. They fail to realize the importance of SOUL Liberty. The position of the Pastor is not to be ignored...nor is it to be idolized. Far too often people try to pattern themselves after the Pastor. They do this because the pastor likes to pry into people's life. When the need arises, and people approach the pastor for help or counsel, they are not asking the pastor to intrude. They are asking to intervene. I have learned that people rarely want opinions or even principles. They want the magic wand to make everything all better. The TRUE pastor will give them Principles without prying into areas of their life that doesn't need tampering.

I have heard it said by a youth pastor, "let me go into your kids room and let me throw out anything that is bad." WHY would it be the pastor's responsibility? I have heard of a church where the Pastor inspects the cars on a monthly basis to make sure it is up to his "standard". I have seen where husbands are called in to the pastor's office and told to make sure his family is in dress code before coming to church. Pastors who pry into the lives of their "congregants" give pastors a bad name.

A certain mission board asks their missionary candidates personal questions about their intimacy including which positions are done in the Marriage Bed. The Bible says those things are not to be spoken of. They are private. Besides that, the Marriage bed is undefiled. things like this are done by "pastors who pry". Instead of conforming people to THEIR image, why not urge them to be conformed to CHRIST? Things done out of drudgery are not done unto GOD but as unto man.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Submission or Subjection?

Some have the understanding that if a pastor is not in subjection to every whim of the people that he is "unsubmissive." Someone gathered from my last blog that pastors are beyond approach and shouldn't ever be kept in check for their doctrine, conduct, or attitude. Only a reader with an agenda would ignore the the premise of the former and conclude that the pastor answers to NOBODY but God. For Faith, Conduct,and ethics...yes, he is answers to God but he is also held accountable to the people. I stand by what I said in the blog "Censoring, controlling and consuming the pastor". The pastor is not an errand boy to the whims and opinions of the people. He is a servant. A minister. However, he is NOT a "red-headed stepchild". Please take time to think about what was typed yesterday and examine your own heart. If you assume that because I posted what I did in that blog, that i esteem myself above correction. If you want to correct me. I accept Correction. But don't correct me with your personal vendetta and opinions. Bring fact or don't come at all. Same as with your pastor. They (we) at least deserve that little respect.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Censoring , Controlling, and Consuming The Pastor

Before I get into this touchy subject, let me say right from the start, I am fully aware of people who abuse the office of the Pastor to browbeat, belittle and force people into the bondage of personal opinion and ideology. This blog is NOT supporting such tactics and I OPENLY shame and shun those legalistic and ludicrous lamers who claim to be Leaders.

Recently, I have addressed subjects that were desperately needing to be adjusted and put in order. The response was that of rebellion. The problem should not have gone on as long as it did. I was hesitant to speak up on the subject for fear that people would perceive me as one of those as stated in my opening paragraph. However, the Bible is very clear that the pastor is responsible for maintaining order. Paul wrote a whole epistle to a preacher who had an entire list of "blemishes" to buff out. Paul encouraged the preacher to "man up" and handle the problem. I found it comforting to be in the company as this Biblical example was in. What a joy it is to realize that the "storm" I am in is not uncommon. Others have experienced it too. Praise the Lord!

Instead of realizing the difficult and delicate responsibility it is to correct a subject involving the Body of believers, and what prayer, fasting, thoughts, studying, and agony took place before it became publicly known; the immediate result was to censor the Pastor and starting a small quorum to offset the decision being made. Never have I seen this action result in anything short of a split. Korah comes to mind. There must be a time to stand for what is right if the pastor/leader is steering into apostasy or legalism. The problem is, many people's ideals of legalism and apostasy is based on personal opinion (abstract) and not on tangible fact. Because the Pastor moves the order of service to better maximize the schedule, that is not reason to create a schism. By the way, schedules and time frames are only in existence so that we can get home before kickoff and to not overcook the roast.

Censoring the Pastor - This is usually done on a telephone. It is "altering" what the pastor has "dictated"/decided/ declared. Again, when dealing with the order of services, conduct of ministry, etc the Pastor has the obligation and authority to do as he is led to do. It should not come to a church vote. It shouldn't have to face a committee. The Pastor is the under-shepherd. It is not legalism. It is not lasciviousness. It is "editing the content" to fit the allotted time. Some things in the church need tweaking. It is the Pastor's responsibility to do so.

Instead of "backing him DOWN" (openly or privately), why not "back him up?". It all comes down to trust. DO you trust the pastor to make the decisions necessary to efficiently operate the services? Do you trust him to operate the everyday business of the church? If not, then by all him out. Get rid of him. that, or get your self in check. The pastor shouldn't be censored when he is within the boundaries of his office.

Controlling the Pastor
This really gets my goat. You see it all the time. People give something...usually money...."to the Lord" via the church. They make sure you, as the pastor know about it, and assure you (the pastor) that it is a "love gift" to the church and cause of Christ. Boy have I learned that it is the FARTHEST THING from the truth. What they
really mean is, I am telling you what I gave "anonymously" so that YOU know that I have money/goods/services and that you will give me MY way in the future. Yes, I know not all people are like this. I have to say, with the exception of one particular elderly couple, this has been the standard M.O. They are not giving "as unto the Lord" out of a PURE heart. They are giving so that they can control. They "generously" give money in your hand so that you remember that THEY gave it to you. They make sure others see them giving it to you to "flaunt" their pseudo-generosity. They assume that padding your pockets means you will be paid off to let them off the hook in accountability and to "give them what they want in the vote." A Pastor/Teacher/Leader worth their salt won't give in. The Bible is clear about having respect of persons. I heard a "preacher" preach a sermon "blowing the whistle on the wolves" and he said that the only thing goats are good for is to milk em for all that they are worth." Sadly, even if you do that, you are just misleading them and abusing them. The best way to handle "goats" is to put them out to pasture and keep a close eye on your flock so they don't "mate" with your ewes or attack the weak and vulnerable.

Controlling the pastor with threats is just as foolish as the Pastor trying to control with legalism. Both breed resentment and idolatry.

If you are going to give something to the Lord through the church, GIVE YOUR GIFT IN SECRET. Ananias and Sapphira purposefully planned to lie to Peter (who was the leader at the time) about the gift given. They didn't have to give anything much less the whole price for the land. They did however try to "boost" their gift so they could receive the praise of men.

If you are going to give something to the better make sure it is out of a PURE heart and not a strategic move. NO STRINGS ATTACHED. I made it a point a long time ago...even before I accepted the pastorate here to NEVER be sold out to anyone or anything but GOD. I am in clear conscience to this day except ONE thing. I learned the hard way that not every gift given comes from a pure heart. Some people give to "ensure" that they get what they want. Never again will I be blinded by some people's "generosity". If they want to announce it to me, then it is going to be rejected.

They are always quick to blow up and try to censor the pastor openly but then later that week or soon following, they "give a generous gift" to make up for their immaturity and Unchristian conduct. They grin and smile at you like nothing ever happened. They throw "forgive as Christ forgave you" in your face without remembering the part of "repent" and "confess your faults one to another". They attempt to control the Pastor through gain, goods, and pseudo-gratitude. PREACHERS BEWARE! Does "Et tu, Brute" mean anything to you? "Lord, is it I?"

CONSUMING the Pastor
I remember the old joke about the Pastor who joined a family of the congregation for a Sunday dinner. When the ham was brought to the table, the little girl leaned over and told the Pastor's wife 'mom must have changed her mind...she said we were having the turkey for Sunday lunch.'While we chuckle at this cute little joke, we also realize the truth behind the statement. Sure, it doesn't happen all the time. However, when it does (not even going to entertain the idea that it does not) happen, we fail to realize the lasting damage it leaves on the moldable minds of our children. "It is ok to bash the preacher." It is not disrespectful to run him down or even to criticize him as long as we can present it as a prayer request, right?! We teach our children to run down the teacher/pastor/members of the church, and then get all up at arms and on edge when they turn and "render us" as well. "WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT FROM?". Hello, McFly!! They learned it from YOU! They learned it from US. No wonder our kids today walk around wearing their rebellion on their clothing "NO FEAR". The Bible says to beware of those who speak evil of dignitaries. Yeah, I know, it is hard to not speak evil of our current President (Mr. Obama). It is hard not to defame him. No, he shouldn't be worshiped. However, he should be respected....the office of the president. The office of the Pastor should not be any less diminished. No, it shouldn't be elevated to deity either. Whether we like it or not, the Bible teaches us to respect the man who is in the office of Pastor. We are to follow them as they follow Christ. They are to be prayed for and "revered." Again, please distinguish the SCRIPTURAL STANDARD against the "Man-worship Manifesto."

They Consume the pastor out of rebellion. They hate his preaching, his purity and his purpose. (Again, realize that not all pastors are perverse...and that not all pastors are pure.) They despise the Servant to the people of God and kill him in their hearts. They stiffen their neck against the rebuke given THROUGH the Pastor by the Holy Spirit. They ignore his conduct. They only know to speak evil and to tear him down and to mock and jeer his attempts and failures. The Bible gives us examples of those who withstood Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Isaiah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and even Paul. Remember Paul, he said that there those who sought to take his life! "Beware when men speak good of you". Again, "keep an eye on the goats."

Here is a truth. When Censoring doesn't work, and the Pastor remains steadfast, when control is overturned because he will not be sold out, there is only one thing that is left to do to the pastor...and that is to consume him.

DRIVE HIM OUT!! STARVE HIM! THREATEN HIS LIFE! VICIOUSLY ATTACK HIS FAMILY! SPLIT THE CHURCH! Attack his integrity and Character. Slander his reputation among those without. Curse him. Try to kill him. DO whatever it takes, but make sure you get your way. One way or another, "we will not have this man to rule over us". No, I am not comparing him to Christ, and NO I am not saying every preacher/pastor/leader/teacher is a sterling example of Christian Conduct. There is a scriptural way to deal with wayward leaders. There are principles to purge problematic and perverse/perverted Pastors/Preachers...but Censoring, Controlling, and Consuming the pastor is NOT how it is done.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Lack of Teaching and Being Taught

First thing I have noticed among my IFB associates, is their refusal to be taught. Growing up, I remember foolishly making the statement, "I DON'T NEED A BIBLE STUDY...I NEED PREACHING! PREACHING SAVES THE LOST." Yes, preaching does work with the Holy Spirit's convicting and wooing to redeem the lost. The preaching of the cross is effective. However, in the same token, what we lack in the "GREAT COMMISSION" is what was stressed more by Paul and Peter and exemplified by Christ himself...TEACHING. Christ took every opportunity He could to TEACH the men who left all to follow Him. He taught them simple things. He taught them hard things. He taught them things they did not understand. He taught them things they would NEVER understand. He taught the multitudes. He expounded the Word of God to the Rulers in theTemple at a young age. He taught Nicodemus. Christ was known not so much as a PREACHER, although he was, Christ was a RABBI; that is to say, a teacher.

Preaching has its place. I agree. I am horrified that we "break in" our men who have surrendered to Pastor, by teaching them how to PREACH. I can recall the first opporotunity I got to PREACH. I went through my Bible, and put together the best sermon I could muster. I was gonna preeeeeeeeeeeeach amen! I "mounted" the pulpit, pulled out my notes, and began to teach. I didn't mean to. I wanted to preach! I began to teach about making Godly decisions and trusting the omnipotence of God, never going where God didn't lead, and taking a stand against opposition even when it comes from your own family and friends. When I got done, I stepped off the platform, ran to the bathroom, and wept because I didn't hear an ounce of AMENs. My BIG CHANCE..and I flopped. When I finally gained composure, I walked out of the bathroom and there stood my father with tears in his eyes. He told me that was one of the best LESSONS he has ever heard. He told me that it was clear that my gift is not PREACHING as much as it is TEACHING. I went back to the auditorium to hear the pastor preaching. He was making a point that "THIS PULPIT IS FOR PREACHING! THE WORLD NEEDS PREACHING! CHRISTIANS WON'T GET RIGHT WITH GOD BY TEACHING, it MUST BE PREACHING!!".

I constantly questioned my desire to be a Pastor because I couldn't preach like they could. I couldn't hoop and holler without messing up my words and mumbling everything out. I couldn't FLOW. Teaching though, I could get my point accross. It drove me to tears every week when I would attempt to "PREACH" to the Jr.Church kids. They would laugh as I sounded like Porky Pig instead of like "JACK HYLES". I had to learn several lessons, one of which was that there are various kinds of preaching styles. The second lesson I learned is that if a Pastor only PREACHES and never Teaches, he is not a good pastor at all. I believe it was Jack Hyles who said, "if you teach when you preach you are effective. If you PREACH when you Teach, you are shallow in your walk with God". My friend and former pastor, Mike Franklin said, "teaching is a good indication you are being led of the Holy Spirit". One of the Holy Spirit's priorities and ministry is to TEACH us all things.

There is something to be said today of people who "do not endure sound doctrine" and would rather turn to "spectacles" and entertainers than to hear the TEACHING from the Word of God. I am not referring to the lost as much as I am to the believers. We would rather go to hear someone hooping and hollering and think that God is all over it because we can scream and sweat rather than effectively and systematically expound on the Word of God. It takes MORE effort to teach God's Word than to PREACH God's Word. It takes MORE dedication to TEACH God's Word than it does to "BLOW IN, BLOW UP, BLOW OUT".

Yes, PREACHING has it's place. However, we must not limit ourselves to PREACHING. We must not LIMIT ourselves to TEACHING.

Pastors who never TEACH are doing a grave injustice to their congregants. They should realize the Great Commission COMMANDS us to Teach. Our Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches are dying on the vine because they only get preaching. WHERE is the nurturing? Where is the EXPOUNDING. Where is the Teaching? Sunday School attendance is down because people don't get the importance of it. They are PREACHED to in Sunday School, AM service, PM service, and depending on whether or not the church has prayer meeting at the mid-week service, they are PREACHED to/at and not TAUGHT. Does not the Bible say that one of the "qualifications" mentioned for the office of the Pastor is that he must be APT to teach?

I have witnessed sunday school teachers "prepare" for thier class by opening the packet of material, choose the flannel graph people, and never once look at the GUIDELINE lesson to "GEAR IT" for the children they have been ENTRUSTED to teach. The lack of ability to teach is astounding.

Recently, a man in the church approached me and said, "pastor, I just want to thank you for being attentive to us as a congregation. Sometimes when you are preaching, I can see it in your eyes. You look at us and realize that we are not getting it...and you STOP. Change gears, and TEACH us. I LOVE it, because when you do, God ALWAYS has something for me. It is like God tells you, and so needs this...say it...". I am not trying to brag here. I am not trying to compare myself to others. But, hello?! I felt guilty for every time I preach and don't stop to "chase that rabbit" when I "hear the coon dogs howling".

The inability to TEACH is mostly because people have never been taught. We mimmic what we have seen done. We know to "get down on a knee" when we "pop the question" to our girlfriend. We know to "tap" the side of the appliance when it is on the fritz. We know to let out a "ahhhhh" when we take a sip of a cold glass of water or tea on a hot day. We do things out of "tradition" rather than what we desire. An unchurched, and as far as I know, unconverted lady stopped by to talk to me about the building that is nearly completed, and she just let out an "AMEN". I took notice to that. She got all red in the face, and said "where did that come from?". I told her it came from "expectancy". It is like this guy at church, Evan, he says this ALL the time...."Coke coke coke coke coke pepsi". 9 out of 10 times, we will say COKE because it is what we have heard more of. We MIMIC.

So, if all we do is get around PREACHING and NEVER teaching...we will do what? TEACH. It will be our primary response to things. PREEEEEAAACH!! When was the last time we heard someone say TEACHHHH!!? I am certain it has been a while. We imitate. We shouldn't imitate. We should demonstrate that what we really are. People who have no leading to teach, should not use that opporotunity to preach. Sit down. Hush up.

The Bible says there are those who SHOULD be able to TEACH, but can't because they never learned. They must be TAUGHT again. (Hebrews 5). I am finding it very troubling that we have such inadequate teachers in our "Independent Fundamental Baptist" Circles. YES. The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. Indeed. However, seeing that Christ spent MUCH of his time teaching, I also must do the same if I expect those whom I influence for Christ to grow.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Stay In Your Lane

“Stay in Your Lane”

II Timothy 4:1-8

(preached in 2005 at Victory Bible Baptist Church – Porter Corners NY)

Paul was writing to his young understudy and son in the faith, Timothy, for the second time. Paul was writing under house arrest in Rome and fully aware of his near death. Soberly, he penned these important words to Timothy.

I. Paul’s Admonition – II Tim 3:14 – 4:2

A. Stay Faithful in the things you have taught

B. Remain Steadfast in the Word of God and PREACH with all authority and doctrine to perfect the saints – Eph 4:12

II. Paul’s Alertness

A. For the time WILL come – II Tim 4:3-4

B. End Time Attitude – II Tim 3:1-13

C. BUT WATCH THOU in all things II Tim 4:5, I Peter 5:7 – BE ALERT…BE SOBER

III. Paul’s Achievements

A. I have faught – II Tim 4:7

B. I have Kept – II Tim 4:7

C. I have Finished – II Tim 4:7

1. A few years ago a man was running in the special Olympics. He was just about to pass the finish line, he stepped out of his lane and was disqualified. He ran well, but did not finish.

2. Paul was reminding himself that the finish line is before him and to stay in his lane 6-7

a. By telling Timothy, Paul was able to re-affirm, remind and regroup himself as he ends his ministry

IV. Paul’s Assurance (V8,17,18)

A. Because I have FINISHED and am FAITHFUL “I will receive the crown” (Phil 3:9-14)

B. Paul left no room for error. He left no room for compromise. He could resolve himself to stay faithful. To endure HARDNESS II Tim 2:1-5

V. Paul was ABANDONED by friends but was not alone

A. v10 Demas took off

B. v10 Crescens flew the coup

C. v10 Titus got called away

D. v12 Tychus was needed elsewhere

E. v14 Alexander stabbed me in the back

F. No Man stood by me – everyone took off

G. BUT – II Tim 4:17

1. NOT WITHSTANDING The Lord stood by me

2. AND strengthened me

3. I was delivered – Acts 27 “be of good cheer”

VI. Paul’s Appetite (V.13)

A. Bring the parchments – Bring me my Bible. I want to read the Word of God.

B. Oh that we would, at the end of our life, find freedom, comfort, companionship, and satisfaction within our Bible.