2. The person falls out of church. They no longer attend. They are bitter at everyone and anyone because they were searching for something and nobody was able to see past Soul winning. They are saved. They are disobedient to the Lord and to the Scripture. Yes, it is their fault. Yes, they have the Holy Spirit residing in them. Yes, they have ignored the conviction of both the Holy Spirit and their own moral conscience. However, to limit the fault to this individual is unjust. Where was the discipleship? Where was "Barnabas"? Who takes them "under their wing"? Everyone is so preoccupied doing the "Great Commission" that they actually forget to "Teach Them To Observe All Things". Yes, I know, "I disciple from the pulpit". Which is exactly why they are now distant and are nothing but a mere shadow from the assembly of the believers and have no walk with God.
I have been told numerous times growing up that SOUL-WINNING is the Main Thing. I cannot tell you the number of times Revelation 2:4 has been taken out of context remind people that the first love was soul-winning. I will take the liberty to not only provide the verse - Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love."
If the Great Commission is all about Soul winning, Baptizing people, and teaching them to go Soul-winning, then there should be no reason in furthering our education and study in the things of God. There is no reason for Paul to "ramble on endlessly" about "growing in grace, study to shew thyself approved, and building yourselves up in the Most Holy Faith." There is no need for Biblical separation, Standards, Convictions, or even Diligence to the hidden things of Christ.If all that matters is SOUL WINNING, then there is no need to be part of a local assembly of believers...there is NO need for CHURCH.
The person in our scenario was neglected because the church is more focused on "Winning the Lost" and not "redeeming the fallen". It isn't exactly an Independent Fundamental Baptist "distinctive" ya know. We tend to focus on the outward appearance and on the "display window" and not the "actual inventory". No wonder our churches are dubbed as shallow, unintelligent, and unloving. That person leaves the church because they are no longer enamored by the emotional drive they once had. They are no longer interested in "church" and they move on to the next thing. They are still saved. They still want to "experience God", but they are giving up on the whole concept of "IFB".
Because they are looking for something meaningful, they head down the street and end up at a Pentecostal Church. They end up at a "seeker sensitive church". Maybe even worse, they are going to a Kingdom Hall, etc. What drives them to that place in their walk with God? "They must not have been saved." They went out from us and were never a part of us".
I strongly disagree. They left our churches because they found it lacking something. Maybe they really are saved, but was never "brought to the Barn". The fields are white unto harvest, and it is not just talking about the lost, but about the souls of men as a whole. Until we re-evaluate our shallow, "cookie cut" Christianity that resides within our "denomination", we will never see real fruit; we will never see true Christianity.
A friend and I were talking about this very subject and he reminded me that the person on the other side of "that door" doesn't care if you use the KJV. They are not impressed by our title of "Independent Fundamental Bible Believing, Pre-millennial, Hell fire, sin hating, Bible thumping BAPTISTS!!" They want to know, do you have the Love of God through Christ Jesus being demonstrated...LIVED in your life? That person on the other side of the door doesn't care about "we don't have dress standards" or "we have contemporary music". They want to know, when the "chips fall", do you practice what you preach? Do you have the fruit of the Spirit? Do you have love? Do you express love? Do you know what love is?
That person who is waffling in and out of church does so because they are lacking something and "CHURCH" is supposed to be the closest thing on THIS earth to what they are looking for. The Love of Christ which constraineth us - that is, it SHOULD.
If we truly love God, we will not mishandle His Word or misrepresent His Great Commission. Recently, I was introduced to a situation where a mother was using her body as a "baby factory". All she wanted to continue to do was to have babies and then turn them over to the "system". She didn't want to wean the infant. She didn't want to see the baby walk. She willingly gave birth and then walked away. Sickening isn't it? So it is with those of us who "lead someone to the Lord" and then leave them to fend for themselves. Never teaching them commitment to Christ (Baptism). Never "teaching them to observe all things".
The person in the example leaves church because either nothing has changed on his part, or nobody challenged them or helped them along. (to be continued)
1 comment:
AMEN! Discipleship has indeed fallen by the wayside. "Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers..." Many times people in the church will point and say, "its his job" and pass the buck.
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