Saturday, October 20, 2012

Powerful Podcast and my Ramblings Regarding It

recently, I was listening to a podcast regarding our failure as a church (as a whole) in regards to reaching the next generation. they site a survey and gave the statistic that 2,600% of our future generation 18-23 is out of church and without a biblical world view. Now, I must warn you that I did not purposefully go out and select this particular podcast but the title was interesting as I was skimming the possibilities.

The hosts are deformed covenant "theologians" so I would ask that you pick and choose.

there is the link...its 29 minutes long. It begins with alarm...then side spins into sarcasm only to finish with generalized christian cliches to solve the problem.

I remember 20 years ago (like I am all that old) when ccm was being debated in the teen class and youth meeting at the church I grew up in. I remember the sides being pretty much everyone against me. those who know me know that i am no stranger to drama or debate although I am seriously trying to distance myself from it.

Someone began playing a song and I asked them to turn the rock off and have respect for God's house. they informed me that it was not secular rock but Christian rock. Now, that was 20 years ago and the majority of those that stood up for rock...I mean Contemptory Christian "music" are now out of church....or even if they do go to church it is not a solid Doctrine centered church. Divorce among the young people is alarmingly high. There are christian women having abortion - or had abortion over the past 20 years. Do I blame it on CCM? No.

I DO blame it on compromising the fundamental principles of a Biblical World View to appease and allure the now lost generation in to pad the pews. We are in a mess. I am 32 and I am shocked to see what has happened to the
churches in America.
Lack of work ethic in the young men. lack of integrity. Pornography is on the rampage...and I am not talking about soft porn. I am talking about it being plastered all over the place and hearing of PASTORS and EVANGELISTS jumping to the clutches of fornication and adultery. There is a lack of church attendance. we have swallowed the lie that "worship at home is just as good as worship at church." We are in a flat footed mess.

Our women have become men in the church. they dress like men (and I am not just referring to pants) they are in offices that are for men. I am not a woman hating "get back in the kitchen and make me dinner, Woman!" kind of guy. I am simply saying that the men are absent and the women have become amazonish in deed, dress, conduct, character, and doctrine.

Where are the men? where are the families? Where are the father/husband led homes? Where are the faithful?

Christians have done more to damage the home than to preserve it. youth groups, womans groups, mens groups, singles ministry, etc. I am all for having a fellowship and ministry for the youth, women, men,singles, but it should never supersede the family unit.

Ugh... I could go on forever but I will stop.

Tim Delello

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