Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Day After

The Day After
Last night, I was relaxing in my warm dry safe house watching some television and playing with my daughter. I went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of cold clean refreshing water. I went to the cupboard and there was food. I went to the window and looked outside and there was no flood, tornado, and very little rain. There was very little evidence of a storm in the region as far as my front porch was concerned. I returned to my comfortable chair and enjoyed the benefits of electricity, technology and security. Around 10PM I walked to the bedroom and laid on a comfortable bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep peacefully.
                This morning, I woke up to the sound of non-migrating birds and looked out the window and saw blue skies peeking through mostly cloudy skies. I showered and got dressed in some warm clean clothes. I walked to my car and drove to the local convenience store and purchased a coffee. I then traveled to my safe, secure, comfortable office at church and turned on my laptop to begin preparing my Sunday PM sermon. I paused momentarily to look at the news online and I saw the devastating results of Hurricane Sandy. I stopped and thanked God for keeping my family and I safe and secure. It was then that I was reminded of a few historical records from God’s Word and it changed my perspective in a matter of seconds. It changed my perspective of God’s mercy, grace, protection and providence; changed it forever if I take it to heart. I will share them with you today and pray that you see this the same way in perspective.
The Day After the World Wide Flood –
For 120 Years Noah built the massive Ark. It was promised by God that his family would be spared from the never-before- rainfall and worldwide flood. As the last animal was secured in the ark Noah and his family entered behind them and God shut the door of the massive structure. Then, the rain began to fall. The fountains under the earth here broken up and water was both spraying up and pouring down. The rain was torrential. The flooding was devastating. It covered homes, farms, barns, mountains, trees, flowers, graves – it covered the whole earth. Sea creatures were destroyed. Human carnage was everywhere. Bodies floating beside the Ark. Water covered the earth for days! Then, the water evaporated and dispersed. The Ark safely landed and rested on Mount Ararat. Noah opened the door and as the animals departed the ark to repopulate the animal “kingdom” he and his family exited their safe haven to the realization that they were the only survivors. I cannot imagine anyone gleefully celebrating the fact that their friends, family, even their enemies had been destroyed from off of the face of the earth. Noah had found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Grace that spared him and his family! Yet, as the recipients of God’s grace- how could they celebrate when there were many others who did not have this same mercy extended to them. Noah’s testimony and faithfulness of God did not make it beyond his family. In today’s day and age of Modern Christianity- we wouldn’t conclude that to be much of a testimony or impact on the lives around him.
The day after the Death of the First Born Son In Egypt-
For over 400 years the children of Israel were in forced bondage to the bidding of the Evil Pharaoh. God sent Moses back to Egypt to deliver His people from the hand of Egypt and to go to the land promised to Abraham. After 9 plagues of pestilence and judgment, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened against God’s demand to let his people go. God gave specific instructions as how to avoid the death angel’s execution. Many obeyed yet many disobeyed and did their own thing. That night, the death angel went from home to home and killed the firstborn of every household. Can you imagine the horrifying screams heard throughout the land that next morning? Can you picture with me the cries of anguish and heart breaking mothers as they clutched their dead child? Can you feel the desperation and despondent thoughts that the fathers had as they were powerless against the invisible messenger of death sent by God? I cannot imagine the children of Israel walking up and down the streets celebrating the death of children and not lamenting the cost of rebellion against God. As the bodies of the dead were carried past them to the graves to be buried, the lump in the Hebrew’s throats had to be enlarged and feeling so inadequate to help and console. Thankful for the grace and protection of God over them, they were commanded to leave Egypt. The surreal moments that followed as they packed their possessions and were given the riches of Egypt as an entreaty to leave their land in haste must have been humbling.
How can I boast of grace when others are in despair? In their hearts they have such pain and their joy is no more. How can I rejoice of grace when others are in pain? How can I boast of mercy and not feel such pain? There are millions around me every day who do not know the Lord. How can I boast of his saving grace and for others never to implore? How can I boast of salvation and not care for fellow man? How can I rejoice in his love and yet others know not the same? The day after salvation – the day after the storm – does my grace and love of God reach beyond myself or does it reach others?
Some call it compassion. Some call it sympathy. Some call it humanitarian interest.  I will just call it grace.                                                         God’s Grace Is A Burden
Grace is a burden that we carry
When we give our heart to God
Grace is a burden that we carry
As along this earth we trod

Grace is a choice that we act on
When we see another in need
Grace is a choice that we act on
When for the lost we urgently plead

Grace is a love that we must share
To the lost and fallen and deceived
Grace is a love that we must share
Of Christ for others to believe

How can we boast of God’s love and amazing grace
The message of salvation And not with others share
How can we sing of God’s love and amazing grace
His mercy and compassion and not for others care

Friday, October 26, 2012

Nehushtan:Hezekiah's National Repentance

2 Kings 18:1-7
2 Chor 29:20-30:5

Hezekiah was a good king. He followed the Lord of a pure heart and after David.

Upon becoming King he immediately was fixing things spiritually in Judah.

1.       He removed the high places (2kings 18:4)
2.       He broke images (2ki 18:4)
-          These signified the pagan/idol worship that Judah was neck deep in.
-          This is not all he did. What he did next would be baffling to the modern Christian today- he dismantled a provision- a symbol of grace
3.       He brake in pieces the brazen serpent which Moses had erected – a symbol of God’s mercy and grace.
WHY? Because the children of Israel “did burn incense to it”

In the NT we see the warning and war against some in the local church doing the same thing
a.       Jude 4
b.      Matt 15:9, mk 7:7-13, Ez 22:26-30, Matt 23, Isaiah 1:1-18
c.       Rev 3:17-20
Turning the grace of God into lasciviousness through vain oblation without distinction

As Hezekiah ascended to the Holy City and to the Holy Temple he made sure of some things that lacked (Titus 1 – set in order)
1.       2Chor 29:3 First Month- First Year (priority)
(temple became a by-product. Became a historical landmark and not a center of godliness and holiness)
2.       2 Chor 29:4-11 – Brought Back Integrity and Accountability to the Priesthood. Cf ez 22:26-30
A.      Sanctify yourselves – clean up your life – v5
B.      Clean out the house of God – v5
C.      Repent of generational traditions of apostasy v6
D.      Open the accessibility to the temple – God centered worship and not man-centered v7
E.       Attend to the Lamps v7 (were not to go out- keep fire burning and lamps trimmed and bright – I Sam 2)
F.       Incense – intercessory prayer v7
G.      Lack of burnt offerings – daily sacrifice to God v7, Rom 12:1-2, Ps 100
H.      Result was captivity, destruction, derision v8
I.        Present and future without hope due to judgment in house of God v8-11
3.       Covenant with Priests to God 2chor 29:-15-19
A.      Self-imposed
B.      Sanctification (personal)
C.      Sanitation (church/outward)
4.       Serious Commitment v20-24
5.       Order of Worship (not when to stand and sit but HOW to Worship) 2chor 29:25-36
a.       Sanctification and repentance – spiritual and physical cleansing 20-24
b.      Singing – worship w/out sacrifice is nothing but selfish sound to God 25-29
c.       Ordained/approved music and lyrics for corporate worship eph 5:18-19, Col 3:16, text 25-28
“If we want true revival and truly want to worship lets not experiment with the recipe!”
d.      Never assume our offering/repentance is accepted – until God tells you- don’t act in flesh. Wait on the Lord
e.      Brought offerings (above tithes) 31-33
-          Everytime there is revival – people get back to basics
-          Tabernacle giving –
-          Believers in Acts 4-5
-          Furtherance of God’s Work
f.        true revival always results in people of God becoming more separated and involved in the work of God v34
-          34c- “more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests”- OUCH!!!
g.       Service of the house of the Lord set in order :35, I cor 14:40
h.      Rejoicing in the unexpected and immediate working on God’s part v36
i.        “Church isn’t church until the church is the church” 30:1-5
1.       Priests were not prepared/sanctified in
a)      Conduct
b)      Cleanliness
c)       Commandment (in the word)

2.       People not prepared in
a)      Purpose
b)      Priority
c)       Principle
3.       Church postponed?!
a)      Church isn’t a schedule
b)      Church isn’t when you feel like it
c)       Appointed time doing approved things
“lets not do things for the sake of doing things”
Worship in spirit and in truth.  Jn 4:23-24

sermon audio file here: 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Powerful Podcast and my Ramblings Regarding It

recently, I was listening to a podcast regarding our failure as a church (as a whole) in regards to reaching the next generation. they site a survey and gave the statistic that 2,600% of our future generation 18-23 is out of church and without a biblical world view. Now, I must warn you that I did not purposefully go out and select this particular podcast but the title was interesting as I was skimming the possibilities.

The hosts are deformed covenant "theologians" so I would ask that you pick and choose.


there is the link...its 29 minutes long. It begins with alarm...then side spins into sarcasm only to finish with generalized christian cliches to solve the problem.

I remember 20 years ago (like I am all that old) when ccm was being debated in the teen class and youth meeting at the church I grew up in. I remember the sides being pretty much everyone against me. those who know me know that i am no stranger to drama or debate although I am seriously trying to distance myself from it.

Someone began playing a song and I asked them to turn the rock off and have respect for God's house. they informed me that it was not secular rock but Christian rock. Now, that was 20 years ago and the majority of those that stood up for rock...I mean Contemptory Christian "music" are now out of church....or even if they do go to church it is not a solid Doctrine centered church. Divorce among the young people is alarmingly high. There are christian women having abortion - or had abortion over the past 20 years. Do I blame it on CCM? No.

I DO blame it on compromising the fundamental principles of a Biblical World View to appease and allure the now lost generation in to pad the pews. We are in a mess. I am 32 and I am shocked to see what has happened to the
churches in America.
Lack of work ethic in the young men. lack of integrity. Pornography is on the rampage...and I am not talking about soft porn. I am talking about it being plastered all over the place and hearing of PASTORS and EVANGELISTS jumping to the clutches of fornication and adultery. There is a lack of church attendance. we have swallowed the lie that "worship at home is just as good as worship at church." We are in a flat footed mess.

Our women have become men in the church. they dress like men (and I am not just referring to pants) they are in offices that are for men. I am not a woman hating "get back in the kitchen and make me dinner, Woman!" kind of guy. I am simply saying that the men are absent and the women have become amazonish in deed, dress, conduct, character, and doctrine.

Where are the men? where are the families? Where are the father/husband led homes? Where are the faithful?

Christians have done more to damage the home than to preserve it. youth groups, womans groups, mens groups, singles ministry, etc. I am all for having a fellowship and ministry for the youth, women, men,singles, but it should never supersede the family unit.

Ugh... I could go on forever but I will stop.

Tim Delello

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Strife And Scorning

Pr 20:3 It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

A few years ago I was drawn into an online religious/”Christian” forum. I originally went to this site while I was just coming out of college. I took it upon myself to defend the faith and stand up for who was then my pastor. There was such filthiness and vulgarity being shared across the screen and I just knew it was all upon my shoulders to preach holiness, godliness, righteousness and the gospel for Christ’s sake. It became troubling to me that the majority of those who were causing the trouble were professing believers. It didn’t take long for me to crawl down into the muck and mire and fight it out fist to cuff with all who would join in the fray. I spent numerous and precious hours on that site and finally, after several attempts, I was able to break loose and haven’t returned to that particular forum.
However, another outlet arose and I jumped in with both feet- ignorant of my transference of “addiction” from one vice to another. Yes, I am talking about Facebook. I became the defender of truth against the wickedness of Calvinism, post modernism, and whatever other ism that was out there. I have foolishly fought family, friend and foe. About a year ago, I began looking at my life and I realized that I had become a negative person inwardly. I had become one who thought that fighting was the only way of life. No, I didn’t wake up to fight, but since I was awake why not stir up some controversy! About a year ago, I determined in my heart that I would stop purposefully in creating or continuing drama. So, for a whole year, I was drama free. I avoided contentious comments and articles people would post. I took the high road. If someone tried to lure me into the fray, I would avoid it. I ran from it. However, something happened to that focus and about a week ago, I found myself face to face with my past.
I posted something with every intention of being an encouragement and a blessing. One person, having a really bad week, commented on it and I was immediately up at arms and in full battle mode. I thought I was passed that mindset but there it stood glaring in my face, as it were. I didn’t notice it until I was already involved. Contention will find you. I went to the scriptures to find solace and instead was convicted beyond measure about my past behavior.  
                Pr 15:18 A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.
Pr 16:28 A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.
Pr 17:1 Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.
Pr 17:14 The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.
Pr 17:19 He loveth transgression that loveth strife: and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction.
Pr 20:3 It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.
Pr 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
Pr 26:17 He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.
Pr 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.
Pr 26:21 As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife.
Pr 28:25 He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.
Pr 29:22 An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.
Pr 30:33 Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.

Strife is a terrible word, isn’t it? It is a terrible act. God tells us that he hates those who cause division in the body. Strife isn’t always the primary purpose to every act, but it is usually the most dominant. James 4:1 tells us that wars, fights, rumors of wars, divisions etc they all come from our flesh. They come from our old man. Strife; it’s not something to boast ourselves in.
Sadly, the person who purposefully causes strife falls under a category that is just horrible to even admit- Scorner (scornful).
Pr 9:7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
Pr 9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
Pr 13:1 A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.
Pr 14:6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.
Pr 15:12 A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise.
Pr 19:25 Smite a scorner, and the simple will beware: and reprove one that hath understanding, and he will understand knowledge.
Pr 21:11 When the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge.
Pr 21:24 Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.
Pr 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
Pr 24:9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.
Sure, I have attempted and have repented of being a scorner. I have attempted to distance myself from strife, debate, foolish questions, and even from the scornful. (Psalms 1) However, this one thing is certain- you will reap what you sow even if it is years after. A smoker gets cancer or COPD years after they stop puffing on cigarettes. A former drunk has complications years after they stop drinking. A glutton suffers medical complications after the fact. Strife is a habit. Strife is a choice. Strife is a consequence.

My friend, it is a burdensome thing to cope with, but we will reap that which we sow.

Today, I deactivated my facebook account. Within two weeks I have posted a comment meant to be positive and proactive only to be taken out of context and used to gender strife. I was not fortified in the spirit and I reacted in the flesh rather than in the spirit. I don’t expect that I can outrun my punishment from my past but I can limit the avenues as to how I am being rendered my just reward.

Friends, guard yourself now against strife. Repent of strife and scorning. Pray for me.