Thursday, January 26, 2012
Is It Time To Purify The IFB?
I LOVE how his last statement carries such power. CONVICTION does this to a person.
"Your Imperial Majesty and Your Lordships demand a simple answer. Here it is, plain and unvarnished. Unless I am convicted [convinced] of error by the testimony of Scripture or (since I put no trust in the unsupported authority of Pope or councils, since it is plain that they have often erred and often contradicted themselves) by manifest reasoning, I stand convicted [convinced] by the Scriptures to which I have appealed, and my conscience is taken captive by God's word, I cannot and will not recant anything, for to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us. On this I take my stand. I can do no other. God help me." (Martin Luther)
We have seen in the past 50 years how the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement has been carried towards the same principles that we were fleeing from. Noe-orthodoxy, modernism, liberalism, and a decline from dependence on the Word of God alone for our doctrine and instruction in righteousness. We strongly opposed the downward and backsliding trends of the Conventions and Associations which were prominent in America during the early 1900's. We have made it mandatory to clean the outside of the cup while inwardly we are still full of the same poison and vile thoughts and practices which were before our pseudo-conversion.
There is MUCH Catholicism in our churches. There is MUCH modernism in our doctrine. There is much to repent over. I tell you this in sincerity and with much sorrow - I don't believe God will, I do not believe God CAN bless or revive the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement again. We are full of our own apostasy and doctrine in so much that we extinguish all hopes of a prosperous and effectual repentance at a national level much less in a world wide frame.
Is it time to purify the IFB? Is it possible to have a unified effort by all to change our ways and get back to the book? I believe it is past the time of grace which God has allowed before judgment to fall.
It is time to purge ourselves from those among us who make their agenda to be known instead of the Word of God. Those who adhere to man-made doctrine must be excluded and removed from ALL fellowship and ALL cooperation from our midst.
The fallacy of the "Independent" Fundamental Baptists is that we do not know what Independent means. We MUST mature to the point where we do not need a national figure or church to pattern after - we must pattern ourselves after Christ!
(added) Just because I quote Luther doesn't make me a Lutheran anymore than sitting in a garage makes me a car.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
isms schisms and more
Since the fall of man, there has been the ridiculous need for men to hold others in bondage to their opinions of what God has said. In the garden, this tactic was used by Satan who deceived Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit and disobey the commands of God. We know how that ended. We also see Cain taking his agenda out against his brother because his opinion didnt match up with what he wanted God to accept. All through the Old Testament we see MAN trying to force others into their mold. When Christ came on the scene, his disciples pointed out the fact that there were others who did not follow in their camp but were preaching. They wanted Christ to silence them. Christ would not be a good baptist because he basically said "if they aren't against us they are for us." Christ understood the truth that there are others who do not have to agree 100% with our opinions and operations for them to still be preaching the truth.
I dont care if one is an Independent Fundamental Baptist or if they are a Bible believer who is of a non-denominational church. Fact is, if they preach the truth and practice it with a humble heart- I am fine with them.
It is interesting that the matter of ecclesiastical separation doesn't matter when it comes to fundraisers or music preference. The "Good Ol' boys club" needs to break up and honesty in the IFB ranks must prevail.
WHO CARES if someone breaks "rank" from the teachings of Peter Ruckman or of B.R. Lakin? Did you know that DISPENSATIONALISM was made popular by James Darby? Yep, the guy who "tampered" with the Word of God. All I can tell you is that dispensationalism is not a fundamental tenant of the faith and falls under the category of doubtful disputations. I guess it all goes back to the statement "the fear of man bringeth a snare."
It will be a long time before I ever side with a worthless lazy, dishonest, unethical, sidewinder of a missionary who does absolutely nothing but park his blessed assurance on the edge of his desk chair while his ministry consists of his family and NO outreach or personal evangelism to shake a stick at.
Somethings bad wrong with IFB and don't intend on being part of it much longer.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Evidence of Love: Submission (1/15/2012 PM)
Matt 26:36-46, Phil 2:5-8
In Ephesians 5 we see the challenge to the husband and the wife in regards to submission. Wives are to submit to their own husbands as unto the Lord. Husbands also are to submit – but not as the wife submits. The Husband is to submit to “each other” as in submission to the relationship. If a man doesn’t provide for his own he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel (I Tim 5:8). He is to love his wife even as he loves his own body. No man who loves his body will forget to take care of himself. Even so should the husband take it to consideration that the relationship is just one more “notch” on the belt to maintain and develop.We see that this is a type of Christ’s love for the church.
Christ’s love for the church is that he submitted for it. He acted in submission. Now, he doesn’t submit to the church, but the church is to submit to Him. He did submit though. Phil 2:5-8.
Jesus being the sinless and complete example that God desires us to be and demonstrate teaches us of Christ’s love; yes, even submission to the will of the Father.
Here are some statements which describe and define what Submission is taken from our gathering of Matthew 26 where Christ is in the Garden of Gethsemane.
1. Submission is the Surrender of one’s “rights”, priorities, power, will, ambition, and future to another.
2. Submission is accepting whatever plans are given to you by the one you submit to.
3. Submission is never to be countered or taken back – it is total surrender.
Now, Christ being our supreme example willingly chose to submit himself for our redemption.
Philippians 2 teaches us this very fact – he HUMBLED himself and became obedient even unto the death of the cross. Now, I have heard of an opinion which states that Jesus was plea bargaining with God to not have to go to the cross. This is against the spirit of Christ which set his face as a flint to Jerusalem and often taught his disciples of his death. I believe what Christ was referring to was the whole agonizing ordeal of sin being placed on him and HIM becoming sin for us. It was against his nature to sin, and to look upon sin, yet he became sin for us (II Cor 5:21, Hebrews 12:1-3).
Now, we speak often of our love for God but Christ makes a statement which causes us to question our love for God:
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Now, without damaging context whatsoever – let me draw some simple applications from scripture to provide us with some brief yet non-encompassing conclusions which show of our Love for God.
1. We love God when we keep his commandments.
2. We love God when we surrender-submit our “rights”, power, will, ambition and desire to Him – Galatians 2:20/Phil 2:5-8, James 4:1-4, Matt 6:24-34, I Cor 6:19-20, II Cor 6:14-17, Phil 3.
3. We love God when we accept whatever plans God has for us – Romans 8:28-39
4. We love God when we totally yield ourselves to him without “strings attached.” Either he is Lord of all or not Lord at all. Luke 6:46, Matt 26:36-46
My stubborn will at last hath yielded;
I would be Thine, and Thine alone;
And this the prayer my lips are bringing,
Lord, let in me Thy will be done.
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer;
Till I am wholly lost in Thee;
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee.
I’m tired of sin, footsore and weary,
The darksome path hath dreary grown,
But now a light has ris’n to cheer me;
I find in Thee my Star, my Sun.
Thy precious will, O conqu’ring Savior,
Doth now embrace and compass me;
All discords hushed, my peace a river,
My soul, a prisoned bird, set free.
Shut in with Thee, O Lord, forever,
My wayward feet no more to roam;
What pow’r from Thee my soul can sever?
The center of God’s will my home.
-Leila N Morris
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Danger of Compromise (1/15/12 AM)
(Nehemiah 4:1-3, 6:7-11)
The walls of the city were destroyed by the captors due to the
disobedience of God's people. These walls were important for several
reasons and the enemy knew why. (4:1-3)
1. Fortification - protection from the enemy
2. Sacrifice - sanctifying God in their hearts and lives - dependence of God
to protect from the enemy within.
3. Restoration/preservation- to remember what they were known for.
Distinction. the walls were known for beauty and holiness.
4. Identification - The enemy knew who the Jews were. They knew the difference between God's people and those around them. (:8-11)
These are the same reasons why we need walls of separation and conviction once again in our church; in our life.
What are the tools of the enemy? What tactics do they use?
1. Mocking/Public ridicule (4:1-2)
2. Discouragement (4:1-2)
3. involvement of others in the world against God's people (4:2)
4. Anger (4:1,7)
5. Plotting Evil ( Prov 6:16-19, Neh 4:8,11)
6. Invasion: (:11)
blending in, pretending they are part of the work, cherry picking our own, slay them (spiritually quenching their desire)
7. Feed lies and disruption (not always physical - sometimes it disrupts
morale of the people.) 5:1-5 accusations of unfairness and financial misconduct.
8. Compromise (6:1-7)
The enemy will stop at nothing to discredit the work of the Lord.
What does Compromise do? (6:1-7)
1. It stops progress
2. Causes you to "come down" from where you are at
3. always requires YOU to give and never to receive
4. Insists even when you turn it down
5. Always plans mischeif
6. Manipulates with lies and distortion of truth (2:17-20)
7. Brings Fear and entrapment or slavery
8. never stos with you - always goes after others. (6:17-19, 13:4,28)
Rebellion is bred in the hearts and minds of those who are persuaded by compromise.
Why we should NOT compromise:
1. It is a GOOD work (2:18, Rom 12:1-2)
2. It is a GREAT work (tasking, labor) (6:3)
3. It is a Finished Work (6:15, Col 2:10)
The enemy will not find Christ palatable with their lifestyle and agenda- why should we compromise? We are on the winning side!
4. It is a Command by God - for us to be Holy, Separate, Clean. (I Cor 6:19-20, 2Cor 6:14-18, I Peter 1:13-15, James 4:1-4)
5. It is of a certainty that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways ( James 1:8, Josh 24:15, Mat 6:24)
Face it- when rain compromises with dirt it creates mud and only pigs are attracted to mud.
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