Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stephen The Man Acts 6-7

Acts 6-7: Stephen

By way of introduction:

1. The character of the witness is ALWAYS held in question
2. The testimony of the witness is compared against their character.
3. The worth of the message is measured by the character of the messenger.

(I Tim 4, Titus 2)

I. Stephen’s Character (Acts 6)
A. Full of Faith
1. Godly Discipline
2. Example to the Believers/Of the Believers
3. Walk with God
B. Full of Wisdom
1. Intelligence
2. Biblical understanding put to practice
C. Honest Report
1. From those without
2. From those within

II. Stephen’s Conduct (Chapter 6)
A. Assisted in overseeing the care for the widows (Daily Ministration)
B. Teaching
C. Evangelism
D. Respect for Civil government
E. Reverence for the office which he held

III. Stephen’s Consecration (Acts 6-7)
A. Verbally Attacked ( I Peter 2:22-25)
B. Lied about ( Matt 26:59-60)
C. Incriminated unjustly (Matt 27:1-2)
D. Steadfast in his Faith (Isaiah 50:7,Luke 9:51)
E. Looked to God for strength (Matt 27:46)
1. Christ didn't look to God for Strength but rather for our example
2. Stephen looked to God not because he was in trouble but because it was his "habit"
F. Executed (Matt 27:50)
G. Forgiveness was his dying thought Luke 23:34

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