Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Shameful Shepherd Part 7d

There are countless other examples of men who are both protected and PROMOTED despite their unlawful and unbiblical deeds. I will spare you the details and shame that continues EVERY DAY.

Would you believe that there are those who still applaud these men as heroes of the faith and implore others in the church to pledge their support to this man who has been “falsely accused” BEFORE the matter has been formerly and completely investigated and cleared? Blind followship to perverted leadership is unbiblical and unethical, and is void of any form of wholesome morality – It is bad stewardship.

Soul winning is not the solve all. It is not the “ajax” which cleans the stains. It is NOT the basis for righteousness. Holiness is more than what I wear, listen to, or how I “serve” God. Holiness is my standing with God and with man. Whatever happened to Accountability within the Body of Christ?
“You build your church, and I will build mine” or “I just want to help hurting hearts” is their cry. The evidence of innocence is “how many do you run in Sunday school?” Or, “How many souls have you seen saved and baptized this year?” I have been asked “How long have YOU been in the ministry?” Do my years negate the truth from being spoken? Does my small corner of the world hinder me from standing up and pointing out the nakedness of the emperor who is parading down the street dressed in deception? Do my minute “numbers” eliminate my voice from screaming “FOUL” on the shameful actions of my “fellow believers” (I will use this term loosely) who bear the same name of Independent Baptists? Like David I stand before the cowardly men of God’s army and passionately resound “IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?”
How long should I remain quiet before I open my mouth and cry against the sins and sickening behaviors radiating from our Pulpits, colleges, churches, and even HOMES? Shall I wait until I am old and gray and feeble? Shall I wait until the problem is out of sight out of mind? Should I refrain from commenting because I want to flippantly quote that “love covers a multitude of sins?”
Shameful Shepherds which protect, promote, and partake in the sins of these criminals need to be removed and forever barred from Church leadership, and or turned over to the police for aiding in the crimes of these vile offenders.


Fred Walter said...


Can we start with those who justify Gail Riplinger's two divorces (three marriages). And then she has lied about these marriages.

I couldn't believe my ears when I hear pastors justify her (and Peter Ruckman) for their multiple divorces.

Warning and hope from a lighthouse said...

Fred, first of all, Gail Riplinger and Dr.Ruckman are the next to the last people I would even look to as examples in marriage. You get the idea that I hold to their philosophy on ministry, Inspiration, or even marriage. You are very sadly mistaken and it shows by your nieve comment which TOTALLY misses the purpose of this blog.

Do you honestly think that by dropping the names Ruckman and Riplinger that it would negate what I have written?

Fred Walter said...

No, no.. I heartily agree with what you have written, and am dismayed at those who justify and excuse the divorces of these two people because of the perceived good they are doing. I am in total agreement with what you have written.