Saturday, April 25, 2009

Traditional Marriage

Mark tells us of the account where John The Baptist took a bold stand for traditional marriage and told Herod and Herodias* how it was. Ultimately, he lost his life for it.

I couldn't help but think of the new wave of homosexuals trying to legalize same sex marriages. What happens when they DO get married in those states that voted in favor of destroying traditional marriage in their state. What happens when/if those homosexuals come to the saving knowledge of Christ...and then come to the harsh truth that they are living in sin? Do they divorce? Do they leave their lifestyle?

Then...i got to thinking about the SILENT threat to traditional marriage that has grown to be accepted in our sinful culture. Globally, homes are broken because the husband or wife decides to end their marriage after years of HOLY matrimony. They divorce because they are tired of each other. One or the other commit fornication. However, the ONLY Biblical reason for divorce is for Fornication. I have wrongfully stated that I could see divorce would be permissible in cases of abuse. This is not found in scripture. I ignorantly took part in destroying traditional marriage.

Sure, same sex marriages have NO place in the world much less America. However, I cannot help but examine what marriages have ALREADY taken place between fornicators. We are so adamant that homosexuals should divorce from their same sex partner after salvation (AFTER), but what happens to the adulterous couple? Should they also divorce?

How many homes would be broken because of Biblical repentance? How REAL it would be to those involved and acquainted with the changed lives of believers who actually follow this biblical mandate.

Doesn't Ezra record a whole nation casting off their strange wives, ending their NON-TRADITIONAL marriages?

Shouldn't we be much more sober in the protecting the sanctity of traditional (HOLY) matrimony?

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