Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bricks Without Straw

I've been thinking alot lately about the plight of the Hebrews in Egypt. They were captive by ingratitude. They were commissioned to build another's empire by cruel rulers. They were conflicted yet their cries went upward. When deliverance came they were commanded to do the impossible and yet do it twice as much. In all of this they were complaining when hardship came in their freedom. The high demand of results-oriented living will always lead to dissatisfaction. Results oriented pressure will starve you of the bonding agent (straw) and expect twice as much productivity.

God says it is better to be faithful in little than to be unfaithful in much. Results-oriented ministry will lead to collapse.

Ironically, Jack Hyles said "I do not use my people to build my work; I use my work to build my people."

When you have 10 people straining to make bricks without straw you cannot add more responsibility or volume to the order.

Wisdom builds her house and does so on the rock. a foolish man builds upon the sand, cuts corners, and doesn't consider the cost before he does so. When funds get low he cuts quality for quantity. He takes his pressure out on the laborers and increases their work load. He decreases morale and increases stress. The deadline becomes the focus rather than diligence.

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