Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Outline: Developing Spiritual Thoughts and Making Spiritual Decisions

Developing Spiritual Thoughts
Philippians 4:1-8
Any time you have a group of people you will find a difference in opinion regarding something minor and or of importance.
The differences which we have make us what we are. The convictions we have formulate our thoughts and desires.
We should have the same convictions which are based on the Word of God. It used to be that God’s people were associated and identified not only by their love but also for their convictions.
You have heard the phrase “it just isn’t Christian!”
Having Spiritual thoughts is not always the first thing that pops into our head.  Often times we find that there are moments where it takes a lot of time before we can think spiritually.
What is the difference between Spiritual Thoughts and Fleshly Thoughts? How Do you control your thoughts? Is There a way to make the spiritual thoughts to flourish and have prominence?
1.       What is the difference between Spiritual and Fleshly?
A.      Spiritual Thoughts always have God as the subject of our motivation Col 1:17, phil 4:2,4
B.      Spiritual thoughts always builds another person in the most holy faith Jude 1:20
C.      Spiritual thoughts choose what is best for others not always what is best for us – Gen 13, Phil 1:21-27
D.      Spiritual Thoughts Deepen our relationship with Christ
Phil 4:6-8
E.       Spiritual Thoughts help us put things in perspective with regards to the coming of the Lord – 4:5
2.       Fleshly Thoughts:
A.      Self centered – Gen 13
B.      Does not point people to Christ 3Jn
C.      Does not think of others Gen 13
D.      Blinds us from God I Jn 1:6-10
E.       Eat Drink Be merry (live it up without moderation) 4:5
3.       Control thoughts:
A.      Watchman
1)      Ear gates
2)      Eye gates
B.      Death to lust/envy/pride
C.      Replacement principle
4.       Prominence?
a)      Prayer
b)      Unity
c)       Fellowship with God
d)      Phil 4:8
2) honest
3) just
6) good report
8) praiseability
e)      We aren’t to be encyclopedias but rather User manuals 4:9

Developing Spiritual Decisions
Genesis 12:1-5
Colossians 1
Spiritual Decisions are the fruit of Spiritual thoughts.
Spiritual Thinking:
1.      What is the difference between Spiritual and Fleshly?
A.      Spiritual Thoughts always have God as the subject of our motivation
B.      Spiritual thoughts always builds another person in the most holy faith
C.      Spiritual thoughts choose what is best for others not always what is best for us
D.     Spiritual Thoughts Deepen our relationship with Christ
E.      Spiritual Thoughts help us put things in perspective with regards to the coming of the Lord
Spiritual Decisions:
1.      What brings glory to God?
2.      What builds another up in the faith?
3.      What is best for others?
4.      Does this bring me closer to God?
5.      Is this affecting my thinking and preparation for the coming of Christ?

Spiritual Decisions must be:
1.      Thought on
2.      Prayed up
3.      Sought out
4.      Counseled over
5.      Acted upon
6.      Carried out
What to avoid in making spiritual decisions:
1.      Fleshly anger
2.      Resentment
3.      Bitterness
4.      Unbelief
What to look for in spiritual decisions:
1.      Peace (calm)
2.      Affirmation
3.      Scriptural manifestation
4.      God’s leadership

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