Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lessons From The Outer Beacon

Lessons From The Outer Beacon:
 While on short missions’ trip to Portland, Maine where I was able to assist Pastor Perry Jones and the Port City Baptist Church with some visitation, street evangelism, encouragement, preaching, and building repairs, I was privileged to visit the Portland Head Light. I am a fan and an admirer of lighthouses although I have only seen 3 in my short life. It was definitely a highlight of my life. As I gazed at the beautiful structure which had saved many lives and ships from destruction in years gone by, I could not help but wonder how many lives were being spared by its beaming light across the darkened waters warning the sea goers of the perilous rocks lining the shore.
It became apparent to me that the tourist attraction was a thing of the past. The beaming light still shone roundabout but the effectiveness of its purpose was long since passed.  With modern technology and advanced lighting systems, the lighthouse has become a by-product of society. Everyone knows of its location and some will testify of its beauty but the dependency of the beacon has become lost in the present.  As I walked on the trails surrounding the historical lighthouse, I became aware of a distant but faithful sound not too far from the shore. I would estimate it to be one mile from the towering beacon. Out in the ocean stood an outer beacon which stood maybe 2 stories above the waves on what I suppose was a rocky ledge. The small brick building was not approachable by foot and there was no dock to tie a boat to it. I doubt there was any way that it could even be accessed to enter it. Yet, every 30 seconds it let out a 2 second warning. It did not have a light. It did not have visitors. It was merely a brick beacon.
Back on the shore within 20 yards of the towering lighthouse was a set of horns. I suspect they were fog horns. These were unattached and seemed to be a monument reminding the tourists of how it used to be. During the season when the fog was so thick that the light from the tower was not enough, the lighthouse keeper would sound a fog horn or a bell to warn the ships of the treacherous rocks to their portside. The horns and whistles and bells have all but ceased. The light which shone abroad is still automated and ships are still saved from the rocks. The light could only be seen during the darkest part of the day unless one had trained their eye to watch the glow from within the thick lens.
The freshly painted monument of historical value had been the symbol of hope and a bulwark of safety, hope, and cheer to the sea driven sailors of yesteryear.  It has become a marketed resource and popular among the maritime enthusiasts.
As I stood admiring the object of my longtime passion, I was informed that the lighthouse was for sale to whomever could afford the upkeep.  My heart flipped as I envisioned the beautiful and historical Portland Head Light as being my very own lighthouse!
It was then that I was snapped back into reality by the same informant explained that the beautiful popular and well-known lighthouse was not for sale but the outer beacon, the same beacon which was out across the waves sounding off repetitively day and night.
Who would want a beacon off the shore where nobody could get to it? How could people get out to the beacon for pictures and sightseeing? How else could people walk around its base or even climb into the tower to see the light shining from inside its glass housing?
A lighthouse was never meant to be idolized, toured, visited, or even admired. The lighthouse was to be a bulwark warning sea-goers of the dangerous rocks and looming cliffs when others could not find their way on their own.  It wasn’t to be marketed. It wasn’t to be effected by the world around it. It was to warn sailors of the peril that they were steering towards.
How disturbing it is when we see people flocking to the polished, refined, symbols of our faith but not heeding the message that is being given faithfully of the rocks of sin and despair. People flock to the decorative unused lighthouse instead of appreciating the outer beacon who continued to do the work that it was made to do.
Believers, lets not be confused here. We aren’t to gaze at the freshly painted landmark or to the noisy outer beacon. We should heed the warning that is being resounded from within.
When the charismatic pastor fails and those who we have fixed our attention to falls, lets realize our gaze was to be on Christ – not the beacon that he was to be shining from.
Hebrews 12:1-2
“ Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Grace After A Fall

Jg 16:22
¶ Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven.
Samson was born a Nazarite. He was commissioned by God to do a special task. NOBODY did as good a job physically as Samson. He had the power of God on his life and was used mightily of God despite his often and gross misconduct. Samson went and joined himself to the enemy. He married a daughter of the enemy. When his wife was taken from him, he joined himself to a woman of ill regard. When he touched a dead carcase, he sinned against God. When he drank the wine, he sinned against God. He lost part of the promise. however, not until his hair was cut did he lose his promise. He knew not to cut his hair. He knew not to drink the wine. He knew not to touch the dead carcase. So why did he do it? Apathy. Pride. Humanism. He did not lose stregnth when he took the honey from the dead lion's carcase. He did not lose stregnth when he drank of the fruit. He lost his stregnth when he cut his hair. When he totally broke his Nazarite vow. The Bible says he did not even know that he lost his stregnth.
The Philistines took him, bound him, beat him up, put out his eyes and made him like a mule turning the the grindstone. They would make a mock of Samson, the Rebel. They would jest of and at him. The Bible says, BUT HIS HAIR BEGAN TO GROW....THAT, reader, is GRACE.
Long after we are reduced to scorn and mockery and disdain, God's work of GRACE steps out of remission.
It wasnt that his hair grew back. His hair was only an outward symbol of a spiritual growth (in this case). The Bible does not record it, but he got himself right with the Lord...NO DOUBT. His hair began to grow. As Samson worked every day....week after week, his hair began to grow. His dependence on God returned. Samson NEVER got proud after that. He depended on someone to put him between the pillars. He depended on God to "bring down the house". GRACE steps in and restores the cast down. II COR 7 says that GOD COMFORTS THEM THAT ARE CAST DOWN! THANK GOD he restores me when I come to the end of myself and crucify myself afresh. THANK GOD he is there and "grows my hair" when I am of no use to him. THANK GOD he remembers me when I am repentant. Thank GOD he never leaves me or forsakes me. Thank GOD my hair begins to grow.
Samson slew more in his death than in his life. There lies the secret my friend...THERE LIES THE ANSWER Tim.....THERE LIES THE ANSWER CHURCH!! IN OUR DEATH CHRIST IS GLORIFIED! In our Death CHRIST IS EXALTED. In our death, God is well pleased.
I believe it was Duncan Campbell who said it best "THERE IS ROOM ON THE CROSS FOR YOU" We are made a spectacle to the world through our death, but....through our death..."our hair begins to grow"
(side bar: Blasphemy against God is not the unpardonable sin. Blasphemy against Christ is not the unpardonable sin. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost IS the unpardonable sin- just an interesting parallel...when one blasphemes against the Holy Ghost he is like Samson..they arise to bring God praise and glory...and God is not within 100 miles of that place...and they KNOW IT NOT- God has been far removed from MANY churches around the world...for that same reason....and then GRACE returns and knocks at the door....waiting for someone to open up and let Grace work (REV 3:20) )

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Airplane Crashes, Sunken Cruise Ships, Derailed Trains and IFB Scandals

Wow. What I title, right? What do these have in common? I will do my best to answer them.

I remember the first time I ever heard of an airplane crashing. It was the plane that crashed overseas in Europe due to being hit by a missile. It didn't detour me from wanting to fly. I flew for the first time in my life in 2000 when I traveled from Virginia to Central Florida. I remember as a "grown man" being apprehensive at first and although this may make me have a scar on my reputation, I remember holding my dad's hand during take-off. Being airborne and seeing the landscape was absolutely amazing. The farthest thing from my mind was that the plane could be hijacked or that it would crash. I love flying. It is not always as spacious as I would like it to be but the view is awesome.
Why is it that the safe flights never get the news attention as does the fireball crashes? Why is it that the drama of seeing human death and destruction seem to attract us like it does? Out of the hundreds of flights each day and millions of flights in a year there is only like three in a year that are landed in an emergency fashion. The Flight Attendants are sure to go over what to do in case OF disaster but there is nothing that the passengers or flight crew can do to ensure that a disaster will not happen.

Remember the famous heroism of Captain Sully? The plane suffered a bird strike to the engine and he had no alternative than to CRASH the plane into the Hudson River. Pardon me as I remind everyone, despite his wonderful heroism, the plane crashed into the water!
 He responded to the crisis but the crisis could not be avoided. No amount of safety precautions and accredited college education or years of experience or multiple pilots in that cockpit could keep the birds from striking that engine. All of the people in the control tower couldn't have prevented the crisis from happening. Whether it ends in a fiery ball of effigy or if it ends in a plane safely CRASHING into the Lower Hudson River,  the crisis could not be avoided.

Last year we heard and saw the tragedy at sea with the sinking cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. I cannot remember the last time a cruise ship sunk other than the Titanic. There are multiple lifeboats and multiple safety regulations which were met and yet the ship was sinking. Having a list of "accountability" and safety precautions will not keep tragedy from happening. There was a captain of the ship but there were many "elders" on that vessel who also maintained the direction and normal duties needed to keep the ocean liner going. Sure enough, the cruise industry was faced with tighter sanctions and scrutiny unjustly.

Train derailments. I cannot remember specifically the last time I heard about a train derailing. I am sure they happen. The same concept applies. When tragedy strikes, the media gets everyone in an uproar about tougher train safety and accuses the engineer of all sorts of things not knowing why the train had derailed. Sure, homes are destroyed, fields are tore up, lives are taken, and money is lost. I am not minimizing that at all. What I am saying is that trains will derail, planes will crash and ocean liners will sink.

Sadly, Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches (or any organized "institution") will have scandals. I am not condoning Jack Schaap nor am I intending to crucify him. Anyone who knows me knows how I view him and some of his controversial comments and teachings as of late. I do know that upon becoming pastor at First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana that he implemented strict guidelines and checks and balances that even he himself had to face. The same principles that he initiated were the same principles and policies that he was "hung" by. Never was there to be a man and a woman alone - ever. Good check and balance. Never was there to be two men and one woman - fantastic. Never was there to be physical contact between the sexes for those on his staff - applauded! However, he violated the same principles and thus- he committed a crime and even worse; he sinned against God.

Having plural Elders or many pastors does not keep scandals from happening. They do not ensure everyone to be pure in heart and clean in conduct. The safety regulations we put on ourselves and submit ourselves to is not a deterrent to unethical behavior. Having guidelines is nothing more than a checklist of what to do in case of a "plane crash."

Having an accredited college education does not prevent someone from destroying people's lives. Shall I point out the Colorado Movie Theater Massacre or even the education AND CIA training of one Mr. Osama Bin Laden?

We are so oblivious to the thousands of IFB who never once misuse God's Word, never once act unethically, never once cause reproach to the cause of Christ but are still tossed out as the most horrendous, evil, wicked, vile, sex crazed -power hungry wolves that we are made out to be. Thousands of planes fly without problem, trains run without derailing and cruises sail without running aground but let ONE scandal or one accident take place and there is an overwhelming cry from the extremists to detour people from these individual outlets.
Whether we like it or not, the scandals in Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches will only be curbed by ones personal walk with God and a disciplined character and personal integrity. Even then, scandals will happen because we are depraved and sinful apart from the person of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Outline: Developing Spiritual Thoughts and Making Spiritual Decisions

Developing Spiritual Thoughts
Philippians 4:1-8
Any time you have a group of people you will find a difference in opinion regarding something minor and or of importance.
The differences which we have make us what we are. The convictions we have formulate our thoughts and desires.
We should have the same convictions which are based on the Word of God. It used to be that God’s people were associated and identified not only by their love but also for their convictions.
You have heard the phrase “it just isn’t Christian!”
Having Spiritual thoughts is not always the first thing that pops into our head.  Often times we find that there are moments where it takes a lot of time before we can think spiritually.
What is the difference between Spiritual Thoughts and Fleshly Thoughts? How Do you control your thoughts? Is There a way to make the spiritual thoughts to flourish and have prominence?
1.       What is the difference between Spiritual and Fleshly?
A.      Spiritual Thoughts always have God as the subject of our motivation Col 1:17, phil 4:2,4
B.      Spiritual thoughts always builds another person in the most holy faith Jude 1:20
C.      Spiritual thoughts choose what is best for others not always what is best for us – Gen 13, Phil 1:21-27
D.      Spiritual Thoughts Deepen our relationship with Christ
Phil 4:6-8
E.       Spiritual Thoughts help us put things in perspective with regards to the coming of the Lord – 4:5
2.       Fleshly Thoughts:
A.      Self centered – Gen 13
B.      Does not point people to Christ 3Jn
C.      Does not think of others Gen 13
D.      Blinds us from God I Jn 1:6-10
E.       Eat Drink Be merry (live it up without moderation) 4:5
3.       Control thoughts:
A.      Watchman
1)      Ear gates
2)      Eye gates
B.      Death to lust/envy/pride
C.      Replacement principle
4.       Prominence?
a)      Prayer
b)      Unity
c)       Fellowship with God
d)      Phil 4:8
2) honest
3) just
6) good report
8) praiseability
e)      We aren’t to be encyclopedias but rather User manuals 4:9

Developing Spiritual Decisions
Genesis 12:1-5
Colossians 1
Spiritual Decisions are the fruit of Spiritual thoughts.
Spiritual Thinking:
1.      What is the difference between Spiritual and Fleshly?
A.      Spiritual Thoughts always have God as the subject of our motivation
B.      Spiritual thoughts always builds another person in the most holy faith
C.      Spiritual thoughts choose what is best for others not always what is best for us
D.     Spiritual Thoughts Deepen our relationship with Christ
E.      Spiritual Thoughts help us put things in perspective with regards to the coming of the Lord
Spiritual Decisions:
1.      What brings glory to God?
2.      What builds another up in the faith?
3.      What is best for others?
4.      Does this bring me closer to God?
5.      Is this affecting my thinking and preparation for the coming of Christ?

Spiritual Decisions must be:
1.      Thought on
2.      Prayed up
3.      Sought out
4.      Counseled over
5.      Acted upon
6.      Carried out
What to avoid in making spiritual decisions:
1.      Fleshly anger
2.      Resentment
3.      Bitterness
4.      Unbelief
What to look for in spiritual decisions:
1.      Peace (calm)
2.      Affirmation
3.      Scriptural manifestation
4.      God’s leadership