Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sure Sign Of A False Teacher - Extra-Biblical Revelation

All over the world there are countless numbers of people who are falling prey to "prophets" who claim they have received a "special" message...a word of knowledge...extra Biblical revelation. They are decievers. They are charletons. They are Imposters. They, to be quite frank, are false prophets.

I could start naming certian "denominations" or "sects" or cults that call themselves Christians, but sadly, the false teachers and false doctrine reach into EVERY denomination of Christianity. Personally, I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist, but it does not exclude me from having faults, flaws, blemishes or the possibility that I could err from the truth. I know of some Independent Fundamental Baptists who think they have the corner on the truth. However, they are sadly mistaken.

ExtraBiblical Revelation comes in many forms. One of the most common and widely accepted forms of "extra biblical revelation" is through what is known as "gifts of the Spirit" or more pointedly, "Speaking in tongues" and "Word of Knowledge". The whole gist of "Speaking in tongues" has been twisted and tainted and torn from its original purpose.

First, when those we read about in Acts spoke in tongues, it was not an unknown unorganized language. It is not the "language of heaven." I heard some people supposedly speaking in tongues and it sounded nothing more than a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle starting up. "Peeping and Muttering." Sometimes, when my mind is going faster than my mouth, I trip up on my words and I sound pathetic. My father would give me "what fer" when I did that. "TIM, STOP and THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK OR DON'T SPEAK AT ALL." Doctors call it a speech impediment, Pentecostals call it "the gift".

More to come later on.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sure Signs Of A False Teacher

As I was reading II Peter recently and I saw some warnings from Peter about false teachers. I will post the list and maybe I will come back sometime and expound on them.

1. Extra-Biblical Revelation - II Peter 1:18-21

2. Deny the Lord Jesus Christ - I John 4:1, II Peter 2:1

3. Make Merchandise Of The Gospel - II Peter 2:3, Phillipians 3:19

4. Arrogance/ Obstinance/Rebellion of the Fundamental Truth II Peter 2, II Tim 4

5. Departure from the Fear of The Lord- II Peter 2, Ezekiel 8

6. Perversion of Laciviousness and Legalism - II Peter 2, Gal 5

7. Thier Popularity indicates End Time Apostasy - II Tim 4, II Peter 2

8 Use of Fear Tactics to control those who listen to them - II Peter 2, Hebrews (the WHOLE Context of the book)

9. Departure From Morality And Things Holy - II Peter 2

10. Unwilling To Serve Without Compensation - Phillipians 3:19, II Tim 4, II Peter 2

11. Refusal and Unable to be Corrected - II Peter 2, Romans 1, II Tim 3, I Tim 1:19-20, II Tim 4

12. Must Have the Praise of Man - II Peter 2, II Tim 4