A man's wife is dying of a rare kind of cancer. A local druggist has developed a cure for this type of cancer but demands far more than the man can afford to pay. Later the husband breaks into the store and steals the drug. Should he have done that? (p.20 "Why Johnny Cannot Tell Right From Wrong" William Kilpatrick)
It is an insight that Mr. Kilpatrick made back in 1992 when is book was published. Here is a situation eithic which is based on the supposition that man will choose what is wholesome and "good." Doesn't God's Word tell us the outcome of this man's choice?
"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end therof are the ways of death."
There are two views in philosophy in dealing with teaching morality.
1. Character building - to train our children in What IS right. teaching them what is right. Training them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord in the FEAR of God. Moses held this philosophy. Joshua chose this philosophy. Christ used this philosophy. Paul used this philosophy. Peter used this philosophy.
A child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
2. Moral reasoning - This conditions a child to believe that what he would do is ethical and right. There are NO wrong or right answers - This leads us to all kinds of moral decay - as we see every day on the evening news, on the front page of the paper, in our christian education, and in our theology.