As a young zealous preacher I have to constantly guard against rash judgmental and ungraceful words that only attack others and promote pride and arrogance in my life, making me unaware, even ignorant of the possibility of sin and or failing in my own life.
The balance between "passive" and passion is often muddied by respect for men, and modernistic principles which have been disguised by both the entertainment world and man-centered Fundamentalism.
Here is something that just should not be too hard to distinguish.
A fellow believer, not too far from me, has resigned from the pastorate due to immorality. Instantly, I hear the rumors and dismiss them as RUMOR MILL and dirty rotten gossip. The man who is accused of the affair has boldly and assertively stood to preach against the sin of immorality, and has urged repentance for those who have fallen into sin. Rightfully so. Preach THUS SAITH THE LORD...AMEN.
However, when immediately offered the audience to publicly apologize for his sin, he leaves it out of his "resignation" address. Pardon me, but, the church had a right to know right then and there why he is resigning from being their pastor. In my honest opinion, it is not a definite indication of a genuinely repentant heart.
Asking those around him if he seems genuinely repentant is surely another indication that he wants to seem repentant, without the evidence of genuine repentance.
The obstinate disrespect of anyone who was trying to defend his honor and reputation to those who believed the gossip and rumor mill by those who rejoice in his "failing" is another sure indication that his believer has not experienced genuine repentance in his heart. Instead, frothing at the mouth, charging others to confront the "loyal" party to hush their defense lacks the gracefulness that would come from being humbled by Holy Spirit Conviction and guilt and or shame of his immoral deed.
Yet another raging egotistical self-pleasing "minister" has fallen prey to the inability to withstand the thwarts of Satan and to resist steadfastly his flesh with personal Integrity and Ethical checks and balances.
To put it mildly, sorry for getting caught is not equivalent to being sorry for the act. RESTORATION cannot happen until those restoring are ABSOLUTELY sure the offending party has repented and is seeking restitution...not ducking away from the responsibility to right the wrong, and bear whatever consequence comes from his/her trespass.
Now I realize that having opened my "mouth" I realize that I too must guard against the same demise.
I am not throwing anyone under the bus. I am praying for those involved, but I can also tell you, that I am hurt that someone whom I know, who boasts themselves on spirituality, would fail to live that what they preach, and yet dismiss any amount of responsibility in the reconciliation, repentance, retrobution matter.