Monday, June 15, 2009

Musing About Candidating

Ever have something you wanted to explain but could not find a way to express yourself? Have you ever HAD to get something off your chest, but did not know how to start? Have you ever started to explain yourself to others by asking redundant questions? I don't know where to start, but at the same time, I also know that people aren't interested in reading brainstorming, so, here it goeth.

I have been at this church as a Pastor for 4 years. I am in my 5th summer. There had been much disorder while they were looking for a pastor. As I candidated, I was so set on making sure they were following a "list" of questions from a doctrinal statement, that I ignorantly missed some other key things that I discovered down the road. BIG things to me now. Things like Brotherly love. Not the "hugging type" but the kind that binds people together and not in competition. Not trying to outdo one another. Preferring one another in brotherly love. Looking every man on the things of others to help meet their needs. In love, praying for one another with fervent prayer. Admonishing one another in the faith. Forgiving one another and not holding grudges. I failed to see the importance of this when I candidated.

I failed to examine the desire for outreach. I am not talking about once a month going to a soup kitchen, or once a month going to preach at a homeless shelter. I am not talking about once a month going to a nursing home. I am talking about reaching out to others on a daily basis. I am not talking about "soul winning". I am talking about individuals sharing the love of Christ on a daily basis.

I failed to recognize the lack of soul winning among the members. I am not talking about "vacuum salesmanship" I am talking about "when was the last time you purposely shared the gospel".

I failed to realize the lack of "FAMILIES" in the church. Husbands and Wives in Church. Children with their parents, behaving in school, at home, in church.

I failed to detect how important the Word of God was to people's life. Did they know it? When I asked them to turn to a particular passage, did they know where it was? Did they have a knowledge of the Bible beyond John 3:16, Psalms 23 and The Lord's prayer? Did the Word of God have priority in their life, or are they restricted by commandments and doctrines of men?

Do they understand the responsibility to the Pastor. Not treating him as a god, but respecting the pastor and caring for the pastor. Properly compensating the pastor. Financially and Spiritually aiding the pastor to further the work as stewards of God's Church. Is he taken care of, so that he does not get distracted by the cares of the world and having to work a secular job to ensure that his personal responsibilities are cared for? Do they criticize him for petty differences? Do they disrupt the preaching by snoring? talking about bugs on the floor or a light flickering? Do they pray for the pastor? Is the pastor appreciated? "reverenced"?

What is the church's reputation among the other churches of like faith? What is the church's reputation in the community? Is the church recognized as a voice in the community for God?

What about the upkeep of the structure and grounds? Is the Church in good repair? The Grounds? Is the parsonage in good condition? Is there a sense of pride for the appearance of the building? Is it taken care of?

Church Finances? Are they delinquent on bills? Are they self-supporting? Do they faithfully support missionaries? Are they shuffling bills to stay afloat? Savings account? Are they constantly dabbling in the RED? Are the NECESSITIES provided on a monthly basis?

Ministries? Are they Christ Honoring? Are they organized? Are those who are involved in the ministries knowledgeable in them? Is there substance to the ministries or are they pieced together like an old blanket...sentimentalism but not worth daily use?

Missions: Are they supporting missionaries financially? Do they keep contact with the missionaries? Do they promote the need for missions? Missions Oriented?

These are just SOME of the things I did not stop to think about. These are things I was too impetuous to inquire of.

I am finding that the very things I am frustrated with are the very things I overlooked.

If you are candidating....or looking for a church to attend.....take THIS checklist. Consider it. Think about it. Pray about it. Do not jump at the chance to be part of a church without discerning.

By no means am I saying that my particular church has any or all of these factors. I am simply writing what I have been thinking about. In my own life, I see many of these "infractions" and the Holy Spirit has convicted me of them. As the Pastor does, ere goes the church.